@inproceedings{P{\"o}hleSchauerRedlichetal.2022, author = {P{\"o}hle, Georg and Schauer, Antje and Redlich, Christian and Barthel, Peggy and Maennel, Anita and Adams, Volker and Studnitzky, Thomas and Weißg{\"a}rber, Thomas and Linke, Axel and Quadbeck, Peter}, title = {Biodegradation and biocompatibility of molybdenum as an implant material}, booktitle = {WorldPM 2022 Congress \& Exhibition : Proceedings}, volume = {2022}, isbn = {978-1-899072-55-2}, url = {https://www.epma.com/publications/euro-pm-proceedings/world-pm2022-proceedings}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t Elektrotechnik, Medizintechnik und Informatik (EMI) (ab 04/2019)}, pages = {8}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Biodegradable metals have entered the implant market in recent years, but still do not show fully satisfactory degradation behaviour and mechanical properties. In contrast, it has been shown that pure molybdenum has an excellent combination of the required properties in this respect. We report on PM based screen printing of thin-walled molybdenum tubes as a processing step for medical stent manufacture. We also present data on the in vivo degradation and biocompatibility of molybdenum. The degradation of molybdenum wires implanted in the aorta of rats was evaluated by SEM and EDX. Biocompatibility was assessed by histological investigation of organs and analysis of molybdenum levels in tissue extracts and body fluids. Degradation rates of up to 13.5 μm/y were observed after 12 months. No histological changes or elevated molybdenum levels in organ tissues were observed. In summary, the results further underline that molybdenum is a highly promising biodegradable metallic material.}, subject = {Medizintechnik}, language = {en} }