@inproceedings{DorerGlaser2012, author = {Dorer, Klaus and Glaser, Stefan}, title = {The magmaOffenburg 2012 RoboCup 3D Simulation Team}, booktitle = {RoboCup Team Description Papers}, organization = {Hochschule Offenburg}, url = {https://archive.robocup.info/Soccer/Simulation/3D/TDPs/RoboCup/2012/magmaOffenburg_SS3D_RC2012_TDP.pdf}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (E+I) (bis 03/2019)}, pages = {7}, year = {2012}, abstract = {This paper describes the magmaOffenburg 3D simulation team trying to qualify for RoboCup 2012. While last year's TDP focused on the tool set created for 3D simulation and the support for heterogeneous robot models, this year we focus on the different ways how robot behavior can be defined in the magmaOffenburg framework and how those behaviors can be improved by learning.}, language = {en} }