@article{Eigner2004, author = {Eigner, Martin}, title = {The right system of record for the right job}, journal = {MSI}, volume = {22}, number = {7}, issn = {1533-7758}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t Wirtschaft (W)}, pages = {1}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The need of suitable system of records in gaining ground as companies seek to maximize performance by harnessing the knowledge of their businesses, is discussed. Focused systems of record deliver a clear and consistent view even as they address a range of functions. Enterprise resource planning (ERP), as the financial system of record, embodies that view of manufacturing, inventory management, accounting and order processing. Customer relationship management (CRM), as a system of record, taps not only into the marketing and sales and service, but also into product development.}, language = {en} }