@inproceedings{TheilBuchweitzGayetal.2020, author = {Theil, Arthur and Buchweitz, Lea and Gay, James and Lindell, Eva and Guo, Li and Persson, Nils-Krister and Korn, Oliver}, title = {Tactile Board: A Multimodal Augmentative and Alternative Communication Device for Individuals with Deafblindness}, booktitle = {MUM '20: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia}, editor = {Cauchard, Jessica and L{\"o}chtefeld, Markus}, organization = {Association for Computing Machinery}, isbn = {978-1-4503-8870-2}, doi = {10.1145/3428361.3428465}, institution = {ACI - Affective and Cognitive Institute}, pages = {223 -- 228}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Deafblindness, also known as dual sensory loss, is the combination of sight and hearing impairments of such extent that it becomes difficult for one sense to compensate for the other. Communication issues are a key concern for the Deafblind community. We present the design and technical implementation of the Tactile Board: a mobile Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) device for individuals with deafblindness. The Tactile Board allows text and speech to be translated into vibrotactile signs that are displayed real-time to the user via a haptic wearable. Our aim is to facilitate communication for the deafblind community, creating opportunities for these individuals to initiate and engage in social interactions with other people without the direct need of an intervener.}, language = {en} }