@inproceedings{KornZallio2022, author = {Korn, Oliver and Zallio, Matteo}, title = {Perspectives on Social Health Robots: How Experts' Views Improved from 2017 to 2021}, booktitle = {PETRA '22: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments}, organization = {Association for Computing Machinery}, isbn = {978-1-4503-9631-8}, doi = {10.1145/3529190.3531223}, institution = {ACI - Affective and Cognitive Institute}, pages = {125 -- 128}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This work documents the rising acceptance of social robots for healthcare as well as their growing economic potential from 2017 to 2021. The comparison is based on two studies in the active assisted living (AAL) community. We first provide a brief overview of social robotics and a discussion of the economic potential of social health robots. We found that, despite the huge potential for robotic support in healthcare and domestic routines, social robots still lack the functionality to access that potential. At the same time, the study exemplifies a rise in acceptance: all health-related activities are more accepted in 2021 when in 2017, most of them with high statistical significance. When investigating the economic perspective, we found that persons are aware of the influence of cultural, spiritual, or religious beliefs. Most experts (57\%), having a European background, expect the state or the government to be the key driver for establishing social robots in health and significantly prefer leasing or renting a social health robot to buying one. Nevertheless, we speculate that it might be a global financial elite which is first to adopt social robots.}, subject = {Roboter}, language = {en} }