@incollection{ZerresBreyerMaylaender2024, author = {Christopher Zerres and Thomas Breyer-Mayl{\"a}nder}, title = {Social Media Fatigue}, series = {Elgar Encyclopedia of Consumer Behavior}, editor = {Johanna Gollnhofer and Reto Hofstetter and Torsten Tomczak}, publisher = {Edward Elgar Publishing}, isbn = {978-1-80392-626-1 (Print)}, doi = {10.4337/9781803926278.ch86}, pages = {280 -- 282}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This is the definition of ‘Social Media Fatigue’ in the book ‘Elgar Encyclopedia of Consumer Behavior’. Modern commercial landscapes are characterized by rapidly evolving markets, and this authoritative Encyclopedia acts as an essential navigational guide to such changeable consumer environments.}, language = {en} }