@article{FengScholzTahoorietal.2020, author = {Xiaowei Feng and Alexander Scholz and Mehdi Baradaran Tahoori and Jasmin Aghassi-Hagmann}, title = {An Inkjet-Printed Full-Wave Rectifier for Low-Voltage Operation Using Electrolyte-Gated Indium-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors}, series = {IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices}, volume = {67}, number = {11}, organization = {IEEE Electron Devices}, issn = {0018-9383 (Print)}, doi = {10.1109/TED.2020.3020288}, pages = {4918 -- 4923}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Rectifiersare vital electronic circuits for signal and power conversion in various smart sensor applications. The ability to process low input voltage levels, for example, from vibrational energy harvesters is a major challenge with existing passive rectifiers in printed electronics, stemming mainly from the built-in potential of the diode's p-njunction. To address this problem, in this work, we design, fabricate, and characterize an inkjet-printed full-wave rectifier using diode-connected electrolyte-gated thin-film transistors (EGTs). Using both experimental and simulation approaches, we investigate how the rectifier can benefit from the near-zero threshold voltage of transistors, which can be enabled by proper channel geometry setting in EGT technology. The presented circuit can be operated at 1-V input voltage, featuring a remarkably small voltage loss of 140 mV and a cutoff frequency of ~300 Hz. Below the cutoff frequency, more than 2.6-μW dc power is obtained over the load resistances ranging from 5 to 20 kQ. Furthermore, experiments show that the circuit can work with an input amplitude down to 500 mV. This feature makes the presented design highly suitable for a variety of energy-harvesting applications.}, language = {en} }