@article{ChristCurticapeanFeisst, author = {Andreas Christ and Dan Curticapean and Markus Fei{\"s}t}, title = {3D Mobile Virtual Reality Simulations and Animations using Common Modern Displays}, number = {2009}, organization = {Institut f{\"u}r Angewandte Forschung (IAF)}, url = {https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:ofb1-opus-267}, pages = {106 -- 107}, abstract = {Recent developments in information and communication technology, along with advanced displaying techniques and high computational performance open up new visualisation methods to both scientists and lecturers. Thus simulations of complex processes [1] can be computed and visualised in image sequences. The particular idea in our approach is the outsourcing of computationally intensive calculations to servers which then send the results back to mobile users. In order to improve interpretations of the visualised results, users can view them in a 3D-perspective or stereoscopically, given the technical requirements. Today’s technology even permits to view these visualisations on a mobile phone. An example for such a computationally intensive calculation originating from the theory of relativity is depicted in Figure 4.1-1.}, language = {en} }