TY - JOUR U1 - Zeitschriftenartikel, nicht wissenschaftlich A1 - Mayer, Erwin T1 - Space-Time-Scheduling in a Surveillance Network JF - Beiträge aus Forschung und Technik N2 - Under a grant of the German ProInno program („Erhöhung der Innovationskompetenz mittelständischer Unternehmen“)the Hochschule Offenburg participated during the past 2 years in an industry project prototyping a new type of service for modern Air Traffic Control (ATC) applications.
Objective of the project has been the joint development of hardware and software components for a so-called TIS-B (Traffic Information System - Broadcast) support infrastructure to enable new cockpit applications increasing the air situation awareness for pilots of commercial airliners [1]. At the core of the project is a space-time-scheduler, controlling a battery of TIS-B groundstations over a Wide Area Surveillance Network [4].
The project has been successfully concluded and is currently in its evaluation phase. Industry partner was the Karlsruhe-located company COMSOFT, international market leader in ATC sensor networks. KW - Rechnernetz KW - Netzwerküberwachung KW - Surveillance network Y1 - 2010 U6 - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:ofb1-opus-412 UN - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:ofb1-opus-412 IS - 2010 SP - 35 EP - 37 ER -