TY - JOUR U1 - Zeitschriftenartikel, nicht wissenschaftlich A1 - Schüssele, Lothar A1 - Magaña, Mario E. A1 - Bogya, Robert T1 - Model Matching Approach in RF Power Amplifier Linearization JF - Beiträge aus Forschung und Technik N2 - Radio frequency (RF) power amplifiers (PA) are the most power consuming components of a mobile communications unit. They are used to convert the DC power from the battery into RF power delivered to the antenna. In a cell phone it becomes very important to use highly efficient power amplifiers, such as Class C and Class E PAs, to increase the talk time which is directly proportional to the battery life. On the other hand, these RF PAs are inherently nonlinear and produce spectral regrowth and other undesirable effects. KW - PA-Anlage KW - RF Power Amplifier Linearization KW - Rundfunk KW - Frequenz KW - Leistungsverstärker Y1 - 2009 U6 - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:ofb1-opus-117 UN - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:ofb1-opus-117 SN - 1866-9352 SS - 1866-9352 IS - 2009 SP - 36 EP - 36 ER -