@article{OtteIsmerHeinkeetal.2012, author = {Otte, Andreas and Ismer, Bruno and Heinke, Matthias and Melichercik, Juraj}, title = {Nuclear imaging and semi-invasive electrocardiography in CRT}, journal = {Beitr{\"a}ge aus Forschung \& Technik}, number = {2012}, organization = {Institut f{\"u}r Angewandte Forschung (IAF)}, issn = {1866-9352}, institution = {Zentrale Einrichtungen}, pages = {33 -- 34}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) is a promising treatment option in patients with chronic heart failure. In this article the roles of semi-invasive esophageal left-heart electrocardiography and functional cardiac nuclear imaging in the field of CRT are highlighted, as the combination of both could be a favourable diagnostic approach in special cardiac situations. Also original esophageal left heart electrogram data of exemplary CRT patients is presented.}, subject = {Kardiale Resynchronisationstherapie}, language = {en} }