@inproceedings{Ortega ClaveroWeberSchr{\"o}deretal.2015, author = {Ortega Clavero, Valentin and Weber, Andreas and Schr{\"o}der, Werner and Curticapean, Dan}, title = {Potential use of the characteristic Raman lines of toluene (C7H8 ) as a reference on the spectral analysis of fuel blends}, booktitle = {Proceedings of SPIE: Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection IX}, volume = {9525}, organization = {Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers}, isbn = {9781628416855}, issn = {0277-786X}, doi = {10.1117/12.2185100}, institution = {IUAS - Institute for Unmanned Aerial Systems}, pages = {95254G}, year = {2015}, abstract = {We report the use of the Raman spectral information of the chemical compound toluene C7H8 as a reference on the analysis of laboratory-prepared and commercially acquired gasoline-ethanol blends. The rate behavior of the characteristic Raman lines of toluene and gasoline has enabled the approximated quantification of this additive in commercial gasoline-ethanol mixtures. This rate behavior has been obtained from the Raman spectra of gasoline-ethanol blends with different proportions of toluene. All these Raman spectra have been collected by using a self-designed, frequency precise and low-cost Fourier-transform Raman spectrometer (FT-Raman spectrometer) prototype. This FT-Raman prototype has helped to accurately confirm the frequency position of the main characteristic Raman lines of toluene present on the different gasoline-ethanol samples analyzed at smaller proportions than those commonly found in commercial gasoline-ethanol blends. The frequency accuracy validation has been performed by analyzing the same set of toluene samples with two additional state-of-the-art commercial FT-Raman devices. Additionally, the spectral information has been contrasted, with highly-correlated coefficients as a result, with the values of the standard Raman spectrum of toluene.}, subject = {Raman-Spektroskopie}, language = {en} }