@article{ReiserBoltenStaudtetal.2015, author = {Reiser, Sarah and Bolten, Dennis and Staudt, Reiner and T{\"u}rk, Michael}, title = {Adsorption of N2 and CO2 on Activated Carbon, AlO(OH) Nanoparticles, and AlO(OH) Hollow Spheres}, journal = {Chemical Engineering \& Technology}, volume = {38}, number = {12/2015}, organization = {Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker ; Deutsche Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Chemisches Apparatewesen, Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie (DECHEMA) ; VDI-Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen (GVC)}, issn = {0930-7516}, doi = {10.1002/ceat.201500387}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik (M+V)}, pages = {2261 -- 2269}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Adsorption behaviors of nitrogen and CO2 on Norit R1 Extra and AlO(OH) nanoparticles and hollow spheres were measured under different temperature and pressure conditions using a magnetic suspension balance. Independent from the substrate investigated, all isotherms increase at lower pressure, reach a maximum, and then decrease with increasing pressure. In addition, selected experimental data were correlated with different model approaches and compared with reliable literature data. In case of CO2 on AlO(OH), capillary condensation was observed at two defined temperatures. The results suggest that the conversion of the liquid into a supercritical adsorbate phase does not take place suddenly.}, subject = {Nanotechnologie}, language = {en} }