@article{BiendaraOtte2017, author = {Biendara, Jennifer and Otte, Andreas}, title = {Whiplash Syndrome- a disorder of the brain?}, journal = {Hellenic Journal of Nuclear Medecine}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, organization = {Hellenic Society of Nuclear Medecine}, issn = {1790-5427}, doi = {10.1967/s002449910550}, url = {http://www.nuclmed.gr/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/03.Otte-Editorial.pdf}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (E+I) (bis 03/2019)}, pages = {110 -- 112}, year = {2017}, abstract = {In the past two decades much has been published on whiplash injury, yet both the confusion regarding the condition, and the medicolegal discussion about it have increased. In this paper, functional imaging research results are summarized using MRIcroGL3D visualization software and assembled in an image comprising regions of cerebral activation and deactivation.}, subject = {Schleudertrauma}, language = {en} }