@inproceedings{da Costa FernandesSchmidtFeldmannetal.2017, author = {da Costa Fernandes, Jesus Salazar and Schmidt, Michael and Feldmann, Thomas and Bollin, Elmar}, title = {Use of load profiles to optimize microgrids of non-residential environments}, booktitle = {33rd EU PVSEC Conference Proceedings}, organization = {WIP Munich}, organization = {EU PVSEC Executive Committee}, isbn = {3-936338-47-7}, issn = {2196-100X}, doi = {10.4229/EUPVSEC20172017-6BV.3.90}, url = {www.eupvsec-proceedings.com}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik (M+V)}, pages = {2739 -- 2746}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Three real-lab trigeneration microgrids are investigated in non-residential environments (educational, office/administrational, companies/production) with a special focus on domain-specific load characteristics. For accurate load forecasting on such a local level, {\`a} priori information on scheduled events have been combined with statistical insight from historical load data (capturing information on not explicitly-known consumer behavior). The load forecasts are then used as data input for (predictive) energy management systems that are implemented in the trigeneration microgrids. In real-world applications, these energy management systems must especially be able to carry out a number of safety and maintenance operations on components such as the battery (e.g. gassing) or CHP unit (e.g. regular test runs). Therefore, energy management systems should combine heuristics with advanced predictive optimization methods. Reducing the effort in IT infrastructure the main and safety relevant management process steps are done on site using a Smart \& Local Energy Controller (SLEC) assisted by locally measured signals or operator given information as default and external inputs for any advanced optimization. Heuristic aspects for local fine adjustment of energy flows are presented.}, language = {en} }