@inproceedings{LivotovMas'udahChandra Sekaranetal.2019, author = {Livotov, Pavel and Mas'udah, and Chandra Sekaran, Arun Prasad and Law, Richard and Reay, David}, title = {Ecological Advanced Innovation Design Approach for Efficient Integrated Upstream and Downstream Processes}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Design Society : International Conference on Engineering Design}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, organization = {Design Society}, organization = {Delft University of Technology}, issn = {2220-4342}, doi = {10.1017/dsi.2019.336}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik (M+V)}, pages = {3291 -- 3300}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Process engineering industries are now facing growing economic pressure and societies' demands to improve their production technologies and equipment, making them more efficient and environmentally friendly. However unexpected additional technical and ecological drawbacks may appear as negative side effects of the new environmentally-friendly technologies. Thus, in their efforts to intensify upstream and downstream processes, industrial companies require a systematic aid to avoid compromising of ecological impact. The paper conceptualises a comprehensive approach for eco-innovation and eco- design in process engineering. The approach combines the advantages of Process Intensification as Knowledge-Based Engineering (KBE), inventive tools of Knowledge-Based Innovation (KBI), and main principles and best-practices of Eco-Design and Sustainable Manufacturing. It includes a correlation matrix for identification of eco-engineering contradictions and a process mapping technique for problem definition, database of Process Intensification methods and equipment, as well as a set of strongest inventive operators for eco-ideation.}, language = {en} }