@misc{HarterLabudda2020, author = {Harter, Philipp and Labudda, Marie}, title = {Belgian Government Measures for Exporters in Times of COVID-19 Crisis}, series = {IfTI Working Paper Series}, number = {3}, institution = {IfTI - Institute for Trade and Innovation}, series = {IfTI Working Paper}, number = {3 (2020)}, pages = {1 -- 12}, year = {2020}, abstract = {This seminar paper examines government measures to support export-oriented companies in Belgium. After a short overview of the Belgian economy and the impact of the Covid-19 crisis, the paper introduces the available government measures for exporters. In particular, the role of Credendo as a Belgian export-credit insurance company will be discussed, and its measures will be examined in more detail. In addition, federal measures of the Belgian government will be identified, and a summary of the most important regional measures will be provided. The entirety of government measures available to export-oriented companies will be reviewed and options for the future activities of export-oriented companies will be pointed out.}, subject = {COVID-19}, language = {en} }