@inproceedings{da Costa FernandesSchmidtKhatrietal.2021, author = {da Costa Fernandes, Jesus Salazar and Schmidt, Michael and Khatri, Rahul and Gasper, Rainer and Hartmann, Niklas}, title = {Smart Energy Management for SME Using Digital Twins}, booktitle = {EU PVSEC Proceedings}, organization = {WIP Munich}, organization = {Hochschule Offenburg, EU PVSEC Executive Committee}, isbn = {3-936338-78-7}, issn = {2196-100X}, doi = {10.4229/EUPVSEC20212021-6BV.5.31}, url = {https://www.eupvsec-proceedings.com/proceedings?paper=50426}, institution = {INES - Institut f{\"u}r nachhaltige Energiesysteme}, pages = {1482 -- 1487}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The twin concept is increasingly used for optimization tasks in the context of Industry 4.0 and digitization. The twin concept can also help small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) to exploit their energy flexibility potential and to achieve added value by appropriate energy marketing. At the same time, this use of flexibility helps to realize a climate-neutral energy supply with high shares of renewable energies. The digital twin reflects real production, power flows and market influences as a computer model, which makes it possible to simulate and optimize on-site interventions and interactions with the energy market without disturbing the real production processes. This paper describes the development of a generic model library that maps flexibility-relevant components and processes of SME, thus simplifying the creation of a digital twin. The paper also includes the development of an experimental twin consisting of SME hardware components and a PLC-based SCADA system. The experimental twin provides a laboratory environment in which the digital twin can be tested, further developed and demonstrated on a laboratory scale. Concrete implementations of such a digital twin and experimental twin are described as examples.}, language = {en} }