@inproceedings{BungeLieberCurticapean2008, author = {Bunge, Christian-Alexander and Lieber, Winfried and Curticapean, Dan}, title = {Tolerant launching scheme for short-reach multimode fibreconnections with non-ideal offset connectors}, booktitle = {Proceedings of SPIE: Optical Sensors}, volume = {7003}, issn = {0277-786X (Print)}, doi = {10.1117/12.781463}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t Medien und Informationswesen (M+I) (bis 21.04.2021)}, pages = {70032H}, year = {2008}, abstract = {In short-reach connections, large-diameter multimode fibres allow for robust and easy connections. Unfortunately, their propagation properties depend on the excitation conditions. We propose a launching technique using a fibre stub that can tolerate fabrication tolerances in terms of tilts and off-sets to a large extent. A study of the influence of displaced connectors along the transmission link shows that the power distributions approach a steady-state power distribution very similar to the initial distribution established by the proposed launching scheme.}, language = {en} }