@article{ReichenbacherFischerSchweizeretal.2022, author = {Reichenbacher, Axel and Fischer, Carl and Schweizer, Christoph and Seifert, Thomas}, title = {A finite element study on the influence of the hardening behavior on plasticity-induced fatigue crack closure}, journal = {International Journal of Fatigue}, volume = {158}, issn = {0142-1123}, doi = {10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2022.106768}, institution = {CRT - Campus Research \& Transfer}, pages = {106768}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In this paper, the influence of the material hardening behavior on plasticity-induced fatigue crack closure is investigated for strain-controlled loading and fully plastic, large-scale yielding conditions by means of the finite element method. The strain amplitude and the strain ratio are varied for given Ramberg-Osgood material properties representing materials with different hardening behavior. The results show a pronounced influence of the hardening behavior on crack closure, while no significant effect is found from the considered strain amplitude and strain ratio. The effect of the hardening behavior on the crack opening stress cannot be described by existing crack opening stress equations.}, language = {en} }