@article{Porjazoska KujundziskiDomazetKamberajetal.2024, author = {Porjazoska Kujundziski, Aleksandra and Domazet, Ervin and Kamberaj, Hiqmet and Rahmani, Damir and Abazi Feta, Amra and L{\´o}pez Valverde, Francisco and G{\´a}lvez Rojas, Sergio and Petlenkov, Eduard and Vassiljeva, Kristina and Štajduhar, Ivan and Hagen, Tobias and Gradišek, Anton and Zidanšek, Aleksander}, title = {Transversal skills in applied Artificial Intelligence - the case of the financial sector}, journal = {e-mentor}, volume = {104}, number = {2}, issn = {1731-7428 (Online)}, doi = {10.15219/em104.1658}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t Wirtschaft (W)}, pages = {82 -- 90}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Different aspects of modern society can be transformed by the deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI-powered tools have promoted changes in the financial industry by applying inventive methods for data analysis and automating processes, efficiency enhancement, cost reduction and more personalised services to customers. However, AI algorithms may activate significant ethical and regulatory concerns that should be addressed by the industry and society as a whole. In line with the Erasmus+ project Transversal Skills in Applied Artificial Intelligence - TSAAI (KA220-HED - Cooperation Partnerships in higher education), which aims to establish a training platform, this paper focuses on an analysis of study programmes in formal tertiary education across consortium countries (Spain, Estonia, North Macedonia, Croatia, Germany, and Slovenia) with a special focus on applied artificial intelligence and development of curriculum that will integrate teaching guidelines covering the areas of application of AI technology in the financial and insurance sectors. To this end, a Systematic Review of Literacy (SRL) on the web methodology identifying the existing employability requirements in AI and the Learning-Centred Syllabus (LCS) methodology for curriculum development was applied, with the presented curriculum expected to serve as a framework to develop teaching materials to help students, academics and employees enhance their professional skills, thus satisfying labour market needs.}, language = {en} }