@inproceedings{Riedm{\"u}llerBrechtSikora2005, author = {Riedm{\"u}ller, Sabrina and Brecht, Uwe and Sikora, Axel}, title = {IPsec for Embedded Systems}, booktitle = {Information Technology \& Computer Science : Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Meeting on Information Technology \& Computer Science at the BA-University of Cooperative Education}, editor = {Weghorn, Hans}, organization = {BA-University of Cooperative Education}, issn = {1614-2519}, url = {https://wwwlehre.dhbw-stuttgart.de/~reichardt/content/person/doc/ITCS05.pdf}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (E+I) (bis 03/2019)}, pages = {8 -- 12}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The growing number of embedded devices with interconnection to the Internet causes severe security risks. VPN-oriented countermeasures suffer from the fact that embedded devices come with only very limited resources. This contribution discusses the requirements for an embedded VPN based on IPsec. IPsec is an extension of the IP protocol to encrypt and to authenticate IP packets for secure transmission.}, language = {en} }