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Cyber Security Governance and Compliance in Cloud Computing

  • Cyber security programs in general and the governance discipline in particular have become a serious concern for organizations of all sizes and across all sectors; This is mainly driven by the needs of having a concrete IT security governance program that can align with the rapid techno- logical advancements and be matured enough to address security risks triggered by the escalating cyber-attacksCyber security programs in general and the governance discipline in particular have become a serious concern for organizations of all sizes and across all sectors; This is mainly driven by the needs of having a concrete IT security governance program that can align with the rapid techno- logical advancements and be matured enough to address security risks triggered by the escalating cyber-attacks of today. In parallel with the motivation toward cyber security governance, organi- zations are also increasingly relying on cloud computing to support their digital transformation objectives. Therefore, they become further exposed to an extended spectrum of cyber security threats and regulatory compliance constrains. We believe that organizations shall in response work on developing, yet on transforming their governance programs to meet the needs and challenges of security and compliance in the cloud since previous strategies that have been adopted for managing cyber security operations within on-primes environments would not truly be sufficient to meet the considerable shifts introduced by cloud environments. The objective of this thesis research is to develop and produce a comprehensive cloud-specific cyber security governance and compliance framework that incorporates detailed and tailored con- trols that can contribute to addressing security risks and fulfilling regulatory compliance con- strains in cloud computing environments. Our approach is to conduct detailed analysis that begins by identifying cloud-specific secu- rity risks and compliance challenges and then produce two main deliverables: A comprehensive governance framework with other specific controls for compliance assurance as well as another supportive model that’s fully meant for compliance management in the cloud and that is sup- posed to address the topics of data privacy, PII protection and other security-related regulatory constrains.show moreshow less

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Document Type:Master's Thesis
Zitierlink: https://opus.hs-offenburg.de/10064
Bibliografische Angaben
Title (English):Cyber Security Governance and Compliance in Cloud Computing
Author:Somar Alsagher
Advisor:Andreas Schaad, Dirk Westhoff
Year of Publication:2025
Publishing Institution:Hochschule Offenburg
Granting Institution:Hochschule Offenburg
Place of publication:Offenburg
Publisher:Hochschule Offenburg
Page Number:xvii, 112
Inhaltliche Informationen
Institutes:Fakultät Medien (M) (ab 22.04.2021)
Collections of the Offenburg University:Abschlussarbeiten / Master-Studiengänge / ENITS
DDC classes:000 Allgemeines, Informatik, Informationswissenschaft
GND Keyword:Governance; IT-Sicherheit
Tag:Cloud Security; Compliance
Formale Angaben
Open Access: Closed 
Licence (German):License LogoCreative Commons - CC BY-NC-ND - Namensnennung - Nicht kommerziell - Keine Bearbeitungen 4.0 International