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IMU Data-Driven and PCA-Based Approach to Establish Quantifiable and Practically Applicable Measures for V2 Technique Elements in Cross-Country Skiing

  • Quantifying movement coordination in cross-country (XC) skiing, specifically the technique with its elemental forms, is challenging. Particularly, this applies when trying to establish a bidirectional transfer between scientific theory and practical experts' knowledge as expressed, for example, in ski instruction curricula. The objective of this study was to translate 14 curricula-informedQuantifying movement coordination in cross-country (XC) skiing, specifically the technique with its elemental forms, is challenging. Particularly, this applies when trying to establish a bidirectional transfer between scientific theory and practical experts' knowledge as expressed, for example, in ski instruction curricula. The objective of this study was to translate 14 curricula-informed distinct elements of the V2 ski-skating technique (horizontal and vertical posture, lateral tilt, head position, upper body rotation, arm swing, shoulder abduction, elbow flexion, hand and leg distance, plantar flexion, ski set-down, leg push-off, and gliding phase) into plausible, valid and applicable measures to make the technique training process more quantifiable and scientifically grounded. Inertial measurement unit (IMU) data of 10 highly experienced XC skiers who demonstrated the technique elements by two extreme forms each (e.g., anterior versus posterior positioning for the horizontal posture) were recorded. Element-specific principal component analyses (PCAs)—driven by the variance produced by the technique extremes—resulted in movement components that express quantifiable measures of the underlying technique elements. Ten measures were found to be sensitive in distinguishing between the inputted extreme variations using statistical parametric mapping (SPM), whereas for four elements the SPM did not detect differences (lateral tilt, plantar flexion, ski set-down, and leg push-off). Applicability of the established technique measures was determined based on quantifying individual techniques through them. The study introduces a novel approach to quantitatively assess V2 ski-skating technique, which might help to enhance technique feedback and bridge the communication gap that often exists between practitioners and scientists.show moreshow less

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Document Type:Article (reviewed)
Zitierlink: https://opus.hs-offenburg.de/10126
Bibliografische Angaben
Title (English):IMU Data-Driven and PCA-Based Approach to Establish Quantifiable and Practically Applicable Measures for V2 Technique Elements in Cross-Country Skiing
Author:Daniel Debertin, Luisa HaagStaff Member, Peter Federolf
Year of Publication:2024
Date of first Publication:2024/07/06
Place of publication:Weinheim
Publisher:Wiley-VCH GmbH
First Page:1
Last Page:14
Article Number:e14691
Parent Title (English):Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
ISSN:1600-0838 (Online)
ISSN:0905-7188 (Print)
Inhaltliche Informationen
Institutes:Fakultät Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik (M+V)
Collections of the Offenburg University:Bibliografie
GND Keyword:Skilanglauf
Tag:IMU; PCA; cross-country skiing; inertial measurement units; movement analysis; principal component analysis; statistical parametricmapping; whole-body motion capture
Formale Angaben
Relevance for "Jahresbericht über Forschungsleistungen":Wiss. Zeitschriftenartikel reviewed: Listung in Master Journal List
Open Access: Open Access 
Licence (German):License LogoCreative Commons - CC BY-NC - Namensnennung - Nicht kommerziell 4.0 International