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motionEAP: An Overview of 4 Years of Combining Industrial Assembly with Augmented Reality for Industry 4.0

  • With our society moving towards Industry 4.0, an increasing number of tasks and procedures in manual workplaces are augmented with a digital component. While the research area of Internet-of-Things focuses on combining physical objects with their digital counterpart, the question arises how the interface to human workers should be designed in such Industry 4.0 environments. The project motionEAPWith our society moving towards Industry 4.0, an increasing number of tasks and procedures in manual workplaces are augmented with a digital component. While the research area of Internet-of-Things focuses on combining physical objects with their digital counterpart, the question arises how the interface to human workers should be designed in such Industry 4.0 environments. The project motionEAP focuses on using Augmented Reality for creating an interface between workers and digital products in interactive workplace scenarios. In this paper, we summarize the work that has been done in the motionEAP project over the run-time of 4 years. Further, we provide guidelines for creating interactive workplaces using Augmented Reality, based on the experience we gained.show moreshow less

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Document Type:Conference Proceeding
Conference Type:Konferenzartikel
Zitierlink: https://opus.hs-offenburg.de/2276
Bibliografische Angaben
Title (English):motionEAP: An Overview of 4 Years of Combining Industrial Assembly with Augmented Reality for Industry 4.0
Conference:International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-driven Business (16. : October 18-19, 2016 : Graz, Austria)
Author:Markus Funk, Thomas Kosch, Romina Kettner, Oliver KornStaff MemberORCiDGND, Albert Schmidt
Year of Publication:2016
Page Number:4
Parent Title (English):Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-driven Business
Inhaltliche Informationen
Institutes:Fakultät Medien und Informationswesen (M+I) (bis 21.04.2021)
Collections of the Offenburg University:Bibliografie
Tag:Industrie 4.0
Formale Angaben
Open Access: Open Access 
Licence (German):License LogoUrheberrechtlich geschützt