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Formal Description of Inductive Air Interfaces Using Thévenin's Theorem and Numerical Analysis

  • With the development of new integrated circuits to interface radio frequency identification protocols, inductive air interfaces have become more and more important. Near field communication is not only able to communicate, but also possible to transfer power wirelessly and to build up passive devices for logistical and medical applications. In this way, the power management on the transponderWith the development of new integrated circuits to interface radio frequency identification protocols, inductive air interfaces have become more and more important. Near field communication is not only able to communicate, but also possible to transfer power wirelessly and to build up passive devices for logistical and medical applications. In this way, the power management on the transponder becomes more and more relevant. A designer has to optimize power consumption as well as energy harvesting from the magnetic field. This paper discusses a model with simple equations to improve transponder antenna matching. Furthermore, a new numerical analysis technique is presented to calculate the coupling factors, inductions, and magnetic fields of multiantenna systems.show moreshow less

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Document Type:Article (unreviewed)
Zitierlink: https://opus.hs-offenburg.de/1422
Bibliografische Angaben
Title (English):Formal Description of Inductive Air Interfaces Using Thévenin's Theorem and Numerical Analysis
Author:Tobias VolkStaff MemberGND, Mayukh BhattacharyyaStaff MemberORCiDGND, Waldemar GrünwaldStaff MemberORCiDGND, Leonhard Michael ReindlORCiD, Dirk JansenStaff MemberGND
Year of Publication:2014
First Page:1
Last Page:9
Parent Title (English):IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
Inhaltliche Informationen
Institutes:Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (E+I) (bis 03/2019)
Collections of the Offenburg University:Bibliografie
GND Keyword:Antenne; Applikation; Formale Beschreibung; Integrierte Schaltung; Schnittstelle
Formale Angaben
Open Access: Open Access 
Licence (German):License LogoUrheberrechtlich geschützt