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Ripple: Overview and Outlook

  • Ripple is a payment system and a digital currency which evolved completely independently of Bitcoin. Although Ripple holds the second highest market cap after Bitcoin, there are surprisingly no studies which analyze the provisions of Ripple. In this paper, we study the current deployment of the Ripple payment system. For that purpose, we overview the Ripple protocol and outline its security andRipple is a payment system and a digital currency which evolved completely independently of Bitcoin. Although Ripple holds the second highest market cap after Bitcoin, there are surprisingly no studies which analyze the provisions of Ripple. In this paper, we study the current deployment of the Ripple payment system. For that purpose, we overview the Ripple protocol and outline its security and privacy provisions in relation to the Bitcoin system. We also discuss the consensus protocol of Ripple. Contrary to the statement of the Ripple designers, we show that the current choice of parameters does not prevent the occurrence of forks in the system. To remedy this problem, we give a necessary and sufficient condition to prevent any fork in the system. Finally, we analyze the current usage patterns and trade dynamics in Ripple by extracting information from the Ripple global ledger. As far as we are aware, this is the first contribution which sheds light on the current deployment of the Ripple system.show moreshow less

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Document Type:Conference Proceeding
Conference Type:Konferenzartikel
Zitierlink: https://opus.hs-offenburg.de/1824
Bibliografische Angaben
Title (English):Ripple: Overview and Outlook
Conference:International Conference on Trust and Trustworthy Computing (8. : August 24-26, 2015 : Heraklion, Greece)
Author:Frederik Armknecht, Ghassan O. Karame, Avikarsha MandalStaff MemberGND, Franck Youssef, Erik ZennerStaff MemberGND
Year of Publication:2015
Creating Corporation:TRUST
Place of publication:Cham
First Page:163
Last Page:180
Parent Title (English):Trust and Trustworthy Computing : 8th International Conference, TRUST 2015
Editor:Mauro Conti, Matthias Schunter, Ioannis Askoxylakis
Volume:LNCS 9229
ISBN:978-3-319-22846-4 (eBook)
ISBN:978-3-319-22845-7 (Softcover)
Inhaltliche Informationen
Institutes:Fakultät Medien und Informationswesen (M+I) (bis 21.04.2021)
Collections of the Offenburg University:Bibliografie
GND Keyword:Netzwerk; Zahlung
Formale Angaben
Open Access: Closed Access 
Licence (German):License LogoUrheberrechtlich geschützt