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Legacy to Industry 4.0: A Profibus Sniffer

  • Legacy industrial communication protocols are proved robust and functional. During the last decades, the industry has invented completely new or advanced versions of the legacy communication solutions. However, even with the high adoption rate of these new solutions, still the majority industry applications run on legacy, mostly fieldbus related technologies. Profibus is one of those technologiesLegacy industrial communication protocols are proved robust and functional. During the last decades, the industry has invented completely new or advanced versions of the legacy communication solutions. However, even with the high adoption rate of these new solutions, still the majority industry applications run on legacy, mostly fieldbus related technologies. Profibus is one of those technologies that still keep on growing in the market, albeit a slow in market growth in recent years. A retrofit technology that would enable these technologies to connect to the Internet of Things, utilize the ever growing potential of data analysis, predictive maintenance or cloud-based application, while at the same time not changing a running system is fundamental.show moreshow less

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Document Type:Conference Proceeding
Conference Type:Konferenzartikel
Zitierlink: https://opus.hs-offenburg.de/2607
Bibliografische Angaben
Title (English):Legacy to Industry 4.0: A Profibus Sniffer
Conference:International Conference on Measurement Instrumentation and Electronics (2. : 9-11 June 2017 : Prague, Czech Republic)
Author:Axel SikoraStaff MemberORCiDGND, Fesseha Tsegaye MamoStaff MemberGND, Christoph Rathfelder
Year of Publication:2017
Date of first Publication:2017/07/01
Publisher:IOP Publishing
Page Number:6
First Page:012002
Parent Title (English):Journal of Physics: Conference Series
ISSN:1742-6588 (Print)
ISSN:1742-6596 (Online)
Inhaltliche Informationen
Institutes:Forschung / ivESK - Institut für verlässliche Embedded Systems und Kommunikationselektronik
Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (E+I) (bis 03/2019)
Collections of the Offenburg University:Bibliografie
Formale Angaben
Open Access: Open Access 
Licence (German):License LogoCreative Commons - Namensnennung