Year of publication
Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (45)
- Article (reviewed) (9)
- Contribution to a Periodical (6)
- Part of a Book (5)
- Patent (4)
- Article (unreviewed) (3)
- Book (1)
Conference Type
- Konferenzartikel (39)
- Konferenz-Abstract (3)
- Konferenz-Poster (2)
- Sonstiges (1)
- E-Learning (6)
- Couplings (3)
- Design automation (3)
- Finite difference methods (3)
- Finite-Elemente-Methode (3)
- Mobile Learning (3)
- Virtuelle Realität (3)
- mobile learning (3)
- Algorithmus (2)
- Blended Learning (2)
- Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (E+I) (bis 03/2019) (63)
- Fakultät Medien und Informationswesen (M+I) (bis 21.04.2021) (11)
- Zentrale Einrichtungen (3)
- Fakultät Elektrotechnik, Medizintechnik und Informatik (EMI) (ab 04/2019) (2)
- Fakultät Medien (M) (ab 22.04.2021) (1)
- ivESK - Institut für verlässliche Embedded Systems und Kommunikationselektronik (1)
Open Access
- Open Access (30)
- Closed (24)
- Bronze (14)
- Closed Access (7)
- Diamond (1)
- Gold (1)
In large aircrafts the cabling is very complex and often causes reliability problems. This is specially true for modern In-flight Entertainment (IFE) systems, where every passenger can select a preferred movie, play computer games or be able to communicate with other travellers. Due to EMC problems, wireless communication systems (WiFi etc.) didn't succeed in solving these problems. In this paper an innovative communication system is proposed which perfectly supplements an aircraft IFE system. The key innovation of this system is to use structures that are essential parts of the airframe for data transfer, such as seat rails. Those rails consist of rectangular shapes and could easily be modified to fulfill the function of waveguides for microwaves. A waveguide as part of the seat rail would provide enormous benefits for aircrafts, such as a large bandwidth and consequently high data rates, no problems with EMC, unlimited flexibility of seat configuration, mechanical robustness with associated increase of reliability and a few additional advantages related to aircrafts such as reduction of weight and costs.
Der Studienbeginn wird an der Hochschule Offenburg durch Vorbereitungskurse, sogenannte Brückenkurse, unterstützt. Wir stellen vorläufige Ergebnisse beim Einsatz von Smartphones und Tablets im Rahmen des Physik-Brückenkurses vor, bei dem die Studenten Hilfen zum selbständigen Üben durch eine App erhalten. Durch die Überarbeitung des Kurses und den Einsatz der App konnte der Teilnehmerschwund verringert werden. Die Evaluationsergebnisse bestätigen eine hohe Akzeptanz der Neuerungen seitens der Studierenden. Erste Auswertungen von Ein- und Ausgangstests deuten darauf hin, dass durch den Brückenkurs eine Angleichung der Vorkenntnisse der Studienanfänger erreicht wird, da Teilnehmer mit geringeren Vorkenntnissen tendenziell einen größeren Lernfortschritt erreichen. Durch unterschiedliche Schwierigkeitsstufen und selbstregulierte Übungsphasen in individuellem Tempo können aber auch die Erfordernisse der stärkeren Teilnehmer angemessen berücksichtigt werden.
Smartphones Welcome! Preparatory Course in Mathematics using the Mobile App MassMatics. Case Study
The invention concerns a method for spectrum monitoring a given frequency band, in which the spectral power density (S(f)) within the given frequency band is determined for all noise and signal components in the frequency band and, in order to detect the presence of one or more signals within the given frequency band, it is evaluated whether the spectral power density (S(f)) exceeds a threshold value (&lgr;). According to the invention, the threshold value (&lgr;) is calculated in accordance with an estimation of a distribution density (hR(S)) for the noise component of the spectral power density (S(f)) within the given frequency band and in accordance with a predefined value for the false-alarm probability (Pfa).
The developed solution enables the presentation of animations and 3D virtual reality (VR) on mobile devices and is well suited for mobile learning, thus creating new possibilities in the area of e-learning worldwide. Difficult relations in physics as well as intricate experiments in optics can be visualised on mobile devices without need for a personal computer.
iSign - internet based simulation of guided wave propagation - ist eine Lernumgebung für Online-Laborversuche. Die Client-Serverarchitektur nutzt server-seitig das Tool F3D, das elektromagnetische Felder in 3D-Strukturen berechnet. Ein Apache-Webserver (unter Linux) bedient den Theorie-/Aufgaben-Teil und die Lernsystemadministration. Ein HPUX Simulationsserver steuert und kontrolliert den mehrstufigen Simulationsvorgang. Eine MySQL-Datenbank erlaubt dynmaische Webseiten-Generierung und Simulations-, Projekt- und Userdatenhaltung. Java-Applets, JavaServer Pages und JavaBeans erzeugen die interaktive Client-Oberfläche zur Eingabe, Ergebnisdarstellung und für Online-Virtual Reality. Die einheitlich gestaltete Benutzeroberfläche verbirgt die Systemkomplexität.
This paper explores the potential of an m-learning environment by introducing the concept of mLab, a remote laboratory environment accessible through the use of handheld devices.
We are aiming to enhance the existing e-learning platform and internet-assisted laboratory settings, where students are offered in-depth tutoring, by providing compact tuition and tools for controlling simulations that are made available to learners via handheld devices. In this way, students are empowered by having access totheir simulations from any place and at any time.
“Today’s network landscape consists of quite different network technologies, wide range of end-devices with large scale of capabilities and power, and immense quantity of information and data represented in different formats” [9]. A lot of efforts are being done in order to establish open, scalable and seamless integration of various technologies and content presentation for different devices including mobile considering individual situation of the end user. This is very difficult because various kinds of devices used by different users or in different times/parallel by the same user which is not predictable and have to be recognized by the system in order to know device capabilities. Not only the devices but also Content and User Interfaces are big issues because they could include different kinds of data format like text, image, audio, video, 3D Virtual Reality data and upcoming other formats. Language Learning Game (LLG) is such an example of a device independent application where different kinds of devices and data formats, as a content of a flashcard is used for a collaborative learning. The idea of this game is to create a short story in a foreign language by using mobile devices. The story is developed by a group of participants by exchanging sentences/data via a flashcard system. This way the participants can learn from each other by knowledge sharing without fear of making mistakes because the group members are anonymous. Moreover they do not need a constant support from a teacher.
Today's network landscape consists of many different network technologies, a wide range of end-devices with a large scale of capabilities and power, and an immense quantity of information and data represented in different formats. Research on 3D imaging, virtual reality and holographic techniques will result in new user interfaces (UI) for mobile devices and will increase their diversity and variety. In this paper software architecture has been proposed to establish device and content format independent communication, implemented in Language Learning Game (LLG).