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With the increasing degree of interconnectivity in industrial factories, security becomes more and more the most important stepping-stone towards wide adoption of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). This paper summarizes the most important aspects of one keynote of DESSERT2020 conference. It highlights the ongoing and open research activities on the different levels, from novel cryptographic algorithms over security protocol integration and testing to security architectures for the full lifetime of devices and systems. It includes an overview of the research activities at the authors' institute.
In this paper, we study the runtime performance of symmetric cryptographic algorithms on an embedded ARM Cortex-M4 platform. Symmetric cryptographic algorithms can serve to protect the integrity and optionally, if supported by the algorithm, the confidentiality of data. A broad range of well-established algorithms exists, where the different algorithms typically have different properties and come with different computational complexity. On deeply embedded systems, the overhead imposed by cryptographic operations may be significant. We execute the algorithms AES-GCM, ChaCha20-Poly1305, HMAC-SHA256, KMAC, and SipHash on an STM32 embedded microcontroller and benchmark the execution times of the algorithms as a function of the input lengths.
An international study summarizes the threat situation in the OT environment under the heading "Growing security threats" [1]. According to this study, attacks on automation systems are likely to increase in the future. Accordingly, an automation system must be able to protect the integrity of the transmitted information in the future. This requirement is motivated, among other things, by the fact that the network-side isolation of industrial communication systems is no longer considered sufficient as the sole protective measure. This paper uses the example of PROFINET to show how the future requirements for a real-time communication protocol can be met and how they can be derived from the IEC 62443 standard.
It seems to be a widespread impression that the use of strong cryptography inevitably imposes a prohibitive burden on industrial communication systems, at least inasmuch as real-time requirements in cyclic fieldbus communications are concerned. AES-GCM is a leading cryptographic algorithm for authenticated encryption, which protects data against disclosure and manipulations. We study the use of both hardware and software-based implementations of AES-GCM. By simulations as well as measurements on an FPGA-based prototype setup we gain and substantiate an important insight: for devices with a 100 Mbps full-duplex link, a single low-footprint AES-GCM hardware engine can deterministically cope with the worst-case computational load, i.e., even if the device maintains a maximum number of cyclic communication relations with individual cryptographic keys. Our results show that hardware support for AES-GCM in industrial fieldbus components may actually be very lightweight.
Towards a Formal Verification of Seamless Cryptographic Rekeying in Real-Time Communication Systems
This paper makes two contributions to the verification of communication protocols by transition systems. Firstly, the paper presents a modeling of a cyclic communication protocol using a synchronized network of transition systems. This protocol enables seamless cryptographic rekeying embedded into cyclic messages. Secondly, we test the protocol using the model checking verification technique.
Cryptographic protection of messages requires frequent updates of the symmetric cipher key used for encryption and decryption, respectively. Protocols of legacy IT security, like TLS, SSH, or MACsec implement rekeying under the assumption that, first, application data exchange is allowed to stall occasionally and, second, dedicated control messages to orchestrate the process can be exchanged. In real-time automation applications, the first is generally prohibitive, while the second may induce problematic traffic patterns on the network. We present a novel seamless rekeying approach, which can be embedded into cyclic application data exchanges. Although, being agnostic to the underlying real-time communication system, we developed a demonstrator emulating the widespread industrial Ethernet system PROFINET IO and successfully use this rekeying mechanism.
Die industrielle Kommunikation war früher von relativ eingeschränkten, geschlossenen Feldbussystemen geprägt. Mit der zunehmenden Öffnung von Automatisierungsnetzen durch die horizontale und vertikale Integration in Produktionsanlagen entstehen gefährliche Angriffsflächen, die zum Diebstahl von Produktionsgeheimnissen, der Manipulation oder dem kompletten Lahmlegen der Produktionsprozesse führen können. Hieraus ergeben sich grundlegend neue Anforderung an die Datensicherheit, denen mit innovativen Lösungsansätzen begegnet werden muss.
Ziel des Forschungsvorhabens „SecureField“ war es, die Umsetzbarkeit und Anwendbarkeit des Ansatzes „(D)TLS-over-Anything“ zu untersuchen und nachzuweisen, sowie einen Werkzeugkasten zur Definition und Implementierung entsprechender Sicherheitslösungen vorzubereiten. Als langjährig etablierter Standard im IT-Umfeld stellte sich das (Datagram) Transport Layer Security ((D)TLS) Protokoll in Kombination mit einer industrie- bzw. automatisierungskompatiblen Public-Key-Infrastruktur (PKI) als äußerst vielversprechende Möglichkeit dar, Datensicherheit auch im OT-Umfeld zu erzielen. Hierbei sollten insbesondere KMU adressiert werden, für welche eigene Entwicklungsarbeiten in diesem Umfeld häufig zu aufwändig und technisch sowie wirtschaftlich zu riskant sind.
Mit „SecureField“ konnten Ergebnisse auf mehreren Ebenen erzielt werden. Zunächst konnte im Projektverlauf ein umfassendes und generisches Konzept zur Ende-zu-Ende-Absicherung von Kommunikationspfaden und -protokollen im industriellen Umfeld erarbeitet werden. Dieses Konzept besteht aus einem generischen Kommunikationsmodell sowie aus einem generischen Authentifikationsmodell.
PROFINET Security: A Look on Selected Concepts for Secure Communication in the Automation Domain
We provide a brief overview of the cryptographic security extensions for PROFINET, as defined and specified by PROFIBUS & PROFINET International (PI). These come in three hierarchically defined Security Classes, called Security Class 1,2 and 3. Security Class 1 provides basic security improvements with moderate implementation impact on PROFINET components. Security Classes 2 and 3, in contrast, introduce an integrated cryptographic protection of PROFINET communication. We first highlight and discuss the security features that the PROFINET specification offers for future PROFINET products. Then, as our main focus, we take a closer look at some of the technical challenges that were faced during the conceptualization and design of Security Class 2 and 3 features. In particular, we elaborate on how secure application relations between PROFINET components are established and how a disruption-free availability of a secure communication channel is guaranteed despite the need to refresh cryptographic keys regularly. The authors are members of the PI Working Group CB/PG10 Security.
As cyber-attacks and functional safety requirements increase in Operational Technology (OT), implementing security measures becomes crucial. The IEC/IEEE 60802 draft standard addresses the security convergence in Time-Sensitive Networks (TSN) for industrial automation.We present the standard’s security architecture and its goals to establish end-to-end security with resource access authorization in OT systems. We compare the standard to our abstract technology-independent model for the management of cryptographic credentials during the lifecycles of OT systems. Additionally, we implemented the processes, mechanisms, and protocols needed for IEC/IEEE 60802 and extended the architecture with public key infrastructure (PKI) functionalities to support complete security management processes.
Driven by the Industry 4.0 paradigm and the resulting demand for connectivity in industrial networking, there is a convergence of formerly isolated operational technology and information technology networks. This convergence leads to attack surfaces on industrial networks. Therefore, a holistic approach of countermeasures is needed to protect against cyber attacks. One element of these countermeasures is the use of certificate-based authentication for industrial components communicating on the field level. This in turn requires the management of certificates, private keys, and trust anchors in the communication endpoints. The work at hand surveys the topic of certificate management in industrial networking environments throughout their life cycle, from manufacturing until their disposal. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there is no work yet that surveys the topic of certificate management in industrial networking environments. The work at hand considers contributions from research papers, industrial communication standards, and contributions that originate from the IT domain. In total, 2042 results from IEEE Xplore, Science Direct, Scopus, and Springer Link were taken into account. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria and title, abstract, and full-text analysis, 20 contributions from research papers were selected. In addition to the presentation of their key contributions, the work at hand provides a synopsis that compares the overarching aspects. This comprises different proposed entity architectures, certificate management functions, involvement of different stakeholders, and consideration of life cycle stages. Finally, research gaps that are to be filled by further work are identified. While the topic of certificate management has already been addressed by the IT domain, its incorporation into industrial communication standards began significantly later and is still the subject of research work.
eTPL: An Enhanced Version of the TLS Presentation Language Suitable for Automated Parser Generation
The specification of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol defines its own presentation language used for the purpose of semi-formally describing the structure and on-the-wire format of TLS protocol messages. This TLS Presentation Language (TPL) is more expressive and concise than natural language or tabular descriptions, but as a result of its limited objective has a number of deficiencies. We present eTPL, an enhanced version of TPL that improves its expressiveness, flexibility, and applicability to non-TLS scenarios. We first define a generic model that describes the parsing of binary data. Based on this, we propose language constructs for TPL that capture important information which would otherwise have to be picked manually from informal protocol descriptions. Finally, we briefly introduce our software tool etpl-tool which reads eTPL definitions and automatically generates corresponding message parsers in C++. We see our work as a contribution supporting sniffing, debugging, and rapid-prototyping of wired and wireless communication systems.
Security in IT systems, particularly in embedded devices like Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs), has become an important matter of concern as it is the prerequisite for ensuring privacy and safety. Among a multitude of existing security measures, the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol family offers mature and standardized means for establishing secure communication channels over insecure transport media. In the context of classical IT infrastructure, its security with regard to protocol and implementation attacks has been subject to extensive research. As TLS protocols find their way into embedded environments, we consider the security and robustness of implementations of these protocols specifically in the light of the peculiarities of embedded systems. We present an approach for systematically checking the security and robustness of such implementations using fuzzing techniques and differential testing. In spite of its origin in testing TLS implementations we expect our approach to likewise be applicable to implementations of other cryptographic protocols with moderate efforts.
Die Vielfalt der Protokolle, die praktisch auf allen Ebenen der Netzwerkkommunikation zu berücksichtigen ist, stellt eine der großen Herausforderungen bei der fortschreitenden Automatisierung des intelligenten Hauses dar. Unter dem Überbegriff Internet der Dinge (Internet of Things) entstehen gegenwärtig zahlreiche neue Entwicklungen, Standards, Allianzen und so genannte Ökosysteme. Diese haben die Absicht einer horizontalen Integration gewerkeübergreifender Anwendungen und verfolgen fast alle das Ziel, die Situation zu vereinfachen, die Entwicklungen zu beschleunigen und Markterfolge zu erreichen. Leider macht diese Vielfalt momentan die Welt aber eher noch komplexer und bringt damit das Risiko mit sich, genau das Gegenteil der ursprünglichen Absichten zu erreichen. Dieser Beitrag versucht, die Entwicklungen möglichst systematisch zu kategorisieren und mögliche Lösungsansätze zu beschreiben.
The CAN bus still is an important fieldbus in various domains, e.g. for in-car communication or automation applications. To counter security threats and concerns in such scenarios we design, implement, and evaluate the use of an end-to-end security concept based on the Transport Layer Security protocol. It is used to establish authenticated, integrity-checked, and confidential communication channels between field devices connected via CAN. Our performance measurements show that it is possible to use TLS at least for non time-critical applications, as well as for generic embedded networks.
Digital networked communications are the key to all Internet-of-Things applications, especially to smart metering systems and the smart grid. In order to ensure a safe operation of systems and the privacy of users, the transport layer security (TLS) protocol, a mature and well standardized solution for secure communications, may be used. We implemented the TLS protocol in its latest version in a way suitable for embedded and resource-constrained systems. This paper outlines the challenges and opportunities of deploying TLS in smart metering and smart grid applications and presents performance results of our TLS implementation. Our analysis shows that given an appropriate implementation and configuration, deploying TLS in constrained smart metering systems is possible with acceptable overhead.
Exploiting Dissent: Towards Fuzzing-based Differential Black Box Testing of TLS Implementations
The Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol is one of the most widely used security protocols on the internet. Yet do implementations of TLS keep on suffering from bugs and security vulnerabilities. In large part is this due to the protocol's complexity which makes implementing and testing TLS notoriously difficult. In this paper, we present our work on using differential testing as effective means to detect issues in black-box implementations of the TLS handshake protocol. We introduce a novel fuzzing algorithm for generating large and diverse corpuses of mostly-valid TLS handshake messages. Stimulating TLS servers when expecting a ClientHello message, we find messages generated with our algorithm to induce more response discrepancies and to achieve a higher code coverage than those generated with American Fuzzy Lop, TLS-Attacker, or NEZHA. In particular, we apply our approach to OpenssL, BoringSSL, WolfSSL, mbedTLS, and MatrixSSL, and find several real implementation bugs; among them a serious vulnerability in MatrixSSL 3.8.4. Besides do our findings point to imprecision in the TLS specification. We see our approach as present in this paper as the first step towards fully interactive differential testing of black-box TLS protocol implementations. Our software tools are publicly available as open source projects.