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- Mechatronik (1)
- design methods (1)
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Objective: This paper deals with the design and the optimization of mechatronic devices.
Introduction: Comparing with existing works, the design approach presented in this paper aims to integrate optimization in the design phase of complex mechatronic systems in order to increase the efficiency of this method.
Methods: To solve this problem, a novel mechatronic system design approach has been developed in order to take the multidisciplinary aspect and to consider optimization as a tool that can be used within the embodiment design process to build mechatronic solutions from a set of solution concepts designed with innovative or routine design methods.
Conclusions: This approach has then been applied to the design and optimization of a wind turbine system that can be implemented to autonomously supply a mountain cottage.
The modern TRIZ is today considered as the most organized and comprehensive methodology for knowledge-driven invention and innovation. When applying TRIZ for inventive problem solving, the quality of obtained solutions strongly depends on the level of completeness of the problem analysis and the abilities of designers to identify the main technical and physical contradictions in the inventive situation. These tasks are more complex and hence more time consuming in the case of interdisciplinary systems. Considering a mechatronic product as a system resulting from the integration of different technologies, the problem definition reveals two kinds of contradictions: 1) the mono-disciplinary contradictions within a homogenous sub-system, e.g., only mechanical or only electrical; 2) the interdisciplinary contradictions resulting from the interaction of the mechatronic sub-systems (mechanics, electrics, control and software). This paper presents a TRIZ-based approach for a fast and systematic problem definition and contradiction identification, which could be useful both for engineers and students facing mechatronic problems. It also proposes some useful problem formulation tech-niques such as the System Circle Diagram, the enhancement of System Operator with the Evolution Patterns, the extension of MATChEM-IB operator with Infor-mation field and Human Interactions, as well as the Cause-Effect-Matrix.
Process engineering (PE) focuses on the design, operation, control and optimization of chemical, physical and biological processes and has applications in many industries. Process intensification (PI) is the key development approach in the modern process engineering. The theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) is today considered as the most comprehensive and systematically organized invention knowledge and creative thinking methodology. This paper analyses the opportunities of TRIZ application in PE and especially in combination with PI. In this context the paper outlines the major challenges for TRIZ application in PE, conceptualizes a possible TRIZ-based approach for process intensification and problem solving in PE, and defines the corresponding research agenda. It also presents the results of the original empirical innovation research in the field of solid handling in the ceramic industry, demonstrates a method for identification and prediction of contradictions and introduces the concept of the probability of contradiction occurrence. Additionally, it describes a technique of process mapping that is based on the function and multi-screen analysis of the processes. This technique is illustrated by a case study dealing with granulation process. The research work presented in this paper is a part of the European project “Intensified by Design® platform for the intensification of processes involving solids handling”.
Process engineering focuses on the design, operation, control and optimization of chemical, physical and biological processes and has applications in many industries. Process Intensification is the key development approach in the modern process engineering. The proposed Advanced Innovation Design Approach (AIDA) combines the holistic innovation process with the systematic analytical and problem solving tools of the theory of inventive problem solving TRIZ. The present paper conceptualizes the AIDA application in the field of process engineering and especially in combination with the Process Intensification. It defines the AIDA innovation algorithm for process engineering and describes process mapping, problem ranking, and concept design techniques. The approach has been validated in several industrial case studies. The presented research work is a part of the European project “Intensified by Design® platform for the intensification of processes involving solids handling”.