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- Mobile Applications (2)
- Visual Programming (2)
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- Context-based Services (1)
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In this paper, we propose a new streaming media service development environment comprising of a streaming media service model, a XML based service specification language and several implementation and configuration management tools. Our approach is based on a high level streaming service specification language, which allows specifying a service in terms of media objects, QoS, and distribution policies. Driven by such a streaming service specification and a streaming component library implemented with Java Media Framework, the required distributed application infrastructure is generated automatically by a service manager. To support flexible instantiation and termination of services as well as change management during runtime, e.g. migration or substitution of streaming components, we introduce instantiation and termination rules, and reconfiguration rules.
Ein besonderes Merkmal mobiler Dienste ist die Möglichkeit, kontextuelle Gegebenheiten, wie etwa die individuelle Benutzungssituation, bei der Diensterbringung zu berücksichtigen. Mit der Entkoppelung von Lernort und -zeit lässt sich eine Flexibilisierung des Lernprozesses und zugleich eine Integration in reale Arbeitsprozesse, wie z.B. Fertigungsprozesse, erreichen. Durch dieVerwendung mobiler Geräte sind Lernmaterialien direkt am Ort des Geschehens verfügbar. Ziel des kontextbezogenen Lernens ist es daher einen unmittelbaren Zusammenhang zwischen den angebotenen Lernmedien und der Situation, in der sich der Lernende befindet, herzustellen. Existierende Kategorie-Systeme zurKlassifizierung von Kontext genügen dieser Anforderung in der Regel nicht. In diesem Beitrag beschreiben wir Szenarien für kontextbezogenes mobile Learning am Beispiel von Fertigungsprozessen sowie Lösungsansätze für kontextbezogene mobile Dienste.
Die Vermittlung von Handlungs-und Prozesswissen in der industriellen Produktion erfordert neue Ansätze, insbesondere eine Flexibilisierung und Integration von Lernprozessen in reale Arbeitssituationen. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt das Zwischenergebnis eines größeren Forschungsvorhabens im Bereich Mobile Learning mit kontextbezogenen mobilen Diensten im betrieblichen Umfeld. Er stellt Anforderungen, Lösungsansätze und einen Prototypen zur Realisie-rung von kontextbezogenen mobilen Diensten im Bereichder Unfallverhütung und Sicherheits-einweisungen in Fertigungsprozessen vor. Die zu unterstützenden kontextbezogenen Prozesse eines Industriepartners werden analysiert und unter Verwendung eines Domänenmodells, generi-scher Prozessmodelle und kontextbezogenen mobilen Anwendungen realisiert. Im Beitrag werden außerdem Lösungsansätze für plattformunabhängige mobile Applikationen, sowie die Integration von Persistenzmechanismen und Gerätefunktionen mittels hybrider Ansätze vorgestellt. Ergebnis der Arbeit ist ein erster Prototyp einer hybriden mobilen Applikation der im realen Betrieb syste-matisch getestet und weiterentwickelt wird.
Visual programming languages (VPL) let users develop software programs by combining visual program elements, like lists of objects, loops or conditional statements rather than by specifying them textually.
Humanoid robots programming is a very attractive and motivating application domain for students, especially for programming beginners. Humanoid robots are constructed in such a way that they mimic the human body by using actuators that perform like muscles. Typically, a humanoid robot consists of sensors and actuators, i.e. torso, a head, two arms, and two legs, though some humanoid robots may replicate only part of the body, for example, from the waist up. In some cases, humanoid robots are equipped with heads designed to replicate additional human facial features such as eyes. Additional sensors are needed by a robot to gather information about the conditions of the environment to allow the robot to make necessary decisions about its position or certain actions that the situation requires, e.g. an arm movement or an open/close hand action. Other examples for sensor are reflective infrared sensors used to detect objects in proximity.
In this work, we introduce a use-case centered approach based on sensors and actors of a robot and a workflow model to visually describe the sequence of actions including conditional actions or concurrent actions. We provide an in-depth discussion of a new VPL based teaching method for programming humanoid robots based on VPLs. Open research challenges, limits and perspectives for further development of our teaching approach are discussed as well.
The main advantage of mobile context-aware applications is to provide effective and tailored services by considering the environmental context, such as location, time, nearby objects and other data, and adapting their functionality according to the changing situations in the context information without explicit user interaction. The idea behind Location-Based Services (LBS) and Object-Based Services (OBS) is to offer fully-customizable services for user needs according to the location or the objects in a mobile user's vicinity. However, developing mobile context-aware software applications is considered as one of the most challenging application domains due to the built-in sensors as part of a mobile device. Visual Programming Languages (VPL) and hybrid visual programming languages are considered to be innovative approaches to address the inherent complexity of developing programs. The key contribution of our new development approach for location and object-based mobile applications is a use case driven development approach based on use case templates and visual code templates to enable even programming beginners to create context-aware mobile applications. An example of the use of the development approach is presented and open research challenges and perspectives for further development of our approach are formulated.
Sensors and actuators enable creation of context-aware applications in which applications can discover and take advantage of contextual information, such as user location, nearby people and objects. In this work, we use a general context definition, which can be applied to various devices, e.g., robots and mobile devices. Developing context-based software applications is considered as one of the most challenging application domains due to the sensors and actuators as part of a device. We introduce a new development approach for context-based applications by using use-case descriptions and Visual Programming Languages (VPL). The introduction of web-based VPLs, such as Scratch and Snap, has reinvigorated the usefulness of VPLs. We provide an in-depth discussion of our new VPL based method, a step by step development process to enable development of context-based applications. Two case studies illustrate how to apply our approach to different problem domains: Context-based mobile apps and context-based humanoid robot applications.
Learning programming fundamentals is considered as one of the most challenging and complex learning activities. Some authors have proposed visual programming language (VPL) approaches to address part of the inherent complexity [1]. A visual programming language lets users develop programs by combining program elements, like loops graphically rather than by specifying them textually. Visual expressions, spatial arrangements of text and graphic symbols are used either as syntax elements or secondary notation. VPLs are normally used for educational multimedia, video games, system development, and data warehousing/business analytics purposes. For example, Scratch, a platform of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is designed for kids and after school programs.
Design of mobile software applications is considered as one of the most challenging application domains due to the build in sensors as part of a mobile device, like GPS, camera or Near Field Communication (NFC). Sensors enable creation of context-aware mobile applications in which applications can discover and take advantage of contextual information, such as user location, nearby people and objects, and the current user activity. As a consequence, context-aware mobile applications can sense clues about the situational environment making mobile devices more intelligent, adaptive, and personalized. Such context aware mobile applications seem to be motivating and attractive case studies, especially for programming beginners (“my own first app”).
In this work, we introduce a use-case centered approach as well as clear separation of user interface design and sensor-based program development. We provide an in-depth discussion of a new VPL based teaching method, a step by step development process to enable programming beginners the creation of context aware mobile applications. Finally, we argue that addressing challenges for programming beginners by our teaching approach could make programming teaching more motivating, with an additional impact on the final software quality and scalability.
The key contributions of our study are the following:
- An overview of existing attempts to use VPL approaches for mobile applications
- A use case centered teaching approach based on a clear separation of user interface design and sensor-based program development
- A teaching case study enabling beginners a step by step creation of context-aware mobile applications based on the MIT App Inventor (a platform of Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Open research challenges and perspectives for further development of our teaching approach
[1] Idrees, M., Aslam, F. (2022). A Comprehensive Survey and Analysis of Diverse Visual Programming Languages, VFAST Transactions on Software Engineering, 2022, Volume 10, Number 2, pp 47-60.
The goal of eLearning services integration in manufacturing is, through the development of new multimedia solutions, to accelerate and enhance the ability of the manufacturing industry to capitalise on the emergence of a powerful global information infrastructure. The key components of our approach are: (1) an XML based streaming service specification language; (2) automatic configuration of distributed eLearning streaming service implementations; (3) a set of Web services for searching, registration, and creation of streaming services; (4) caching and replication policies based on timing information derived from the service specifications. We also introduce a new concept for cache management during runtime, e.g., content is distributed to cache servers located at the edge of a network close to the client.
This paper presents an approach where closer integration between learning and work is achieved by integrating multimedia services into manufacturing processes. The goal of E-Learning services integration in manufacturing processes is, through the development of new multimedia services, to accelerate and enhance the ability of manufacturing industry to capitalise on the emergence of a powerful global information infrastructure. In this paper we suggest to combine the areas of media streaming services and manufacturing processes, by providing electronic learning offerings as collections of media streaming services. The key components of our approach are 1) an xml based streaming service specification language, 2) automated configuration of distributed E-Learning streaming applications, 3) Web Services for searching, registration, and creation of E-Learning streaming services.