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GaIN - Gewinnbringende Partizipation der mittelständischen Industrie am Energiemarkt der Zukunft
Der vorliegende Bericht dokumentiert die Arbeiten und Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts GaIN – Gewinnbringende Partizipation der mittelständischen Industrie am Energiemarkt der Zukunft (Laufzeit 01.12.2019 bis 30.11.2022), das vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz „BMWK“ unter den Kennzeichen 03EI6019E gefördert wurde.
Das Ziel des Projektes bestand darin, durch die Digitalisierung der (mittelständischen) Industrie die Unternehmen zu befähigen aktiv gewinnbringend am volatilen Energiemarkt der Zukunft zu partizipieren.
To achieve its climate goals, the German industry has to undergo a transformation toward renewable energies. To analyze this transformation in energy system models, the industry’s electricity demands have to be provided in a high temporal and sectoral resolution, which, to date, is not the case due to a lack of open-source data. In this paper, a methodology for the generation of synthetic electricity load profiles is described; it was applied to 11 industry types. The modeling was based on the normalized daily load profiles for eight electrical end-use applications. The profiles were then further refined by using the mechanical processes of different branches. Finally, a fluctuation was applied to the profiles as a stochastic attribute. A quantitative RMSE comparison between real and synthetic load profiles showed that the developed method is especially accurate for the representation of loads from three-shift industrial plants. A procedure of how to apply the synthetic load profiles to a regional distribution of the industry sector completes the methodology.
Nowadays decarbonisation of the energy system is one of the main concerns for most governments. Renewable energy technologies, such as rooftop photovoltaic systems and home battery storage systems, are changing the energy system to be more decentralised. As a consequence, new ways of energy business models are emerging, e.g., peer-to-peer energy trading. This new concept provides an online marketplace where direct energy exchange can occur between its participants. The purpose of this study is to conduct a content analysis of the existing literature, ongoing research projects, and companies related to peer-to-peer energy trading. From this review, a summary of the most important aspects and journal papers is assessed, discussed, and classified. It was found that the different energy market types were named in various ways and a proposal for standard language for the several peer-to-peer market types and the different actors involved is suggested. Additionally, by grouping the most important attributes from peer-to-peer energy trading projects, an assessment of the entry barrier and scalability potential is performed by using a characterisation matrix.
Peer-to-peer energy trading and local electricity markets have been widely discussed as new options for the transformation of the energy system from the traditional centralized scheme to the novel decentralized one. Moreover, it has also been proposed as a more favourable alternative for already expiring feed in tariff policies that promote investment in renewable energy sources. Peer-to-peer energy trading is usually defined as the integration of several innovative technologies, that enable both prosumers and consumers to trade electricity, without intermediaries, at a consented price. Furthermore, the techno-economic aspects go hand in hand with the socio-economic aspects, which represent at the end significant barriers that need to be tackled to reach a higher impact on current power systems. Applying a qualitative analysis, two scalable peer-to-peer concepts are presented in this study and the possible participant´s entry probability into such concepts. Results show that consumers with a preference for environmental aspects have in general a higher willingness to participate in peer-to-peer energy trading. Moreover, battery storage systems are a key technology that could elevate the entry probability of prosumers into a peer-to-peer market.
To achieve Germany's climate targets, the industrial sector, among others, must be transformed. The decarbonization of industry through the electrification of heating processes is a promising option. In order to investigate this transformation in energy system models, high-resolution temporal demand profiles of the heat and electricity applications for different industries are required. This paper presents a method for generating synthetic electricity and heat load profiles for 14 industry types. Using this methodology, annual profiles with a 15-minute resolution can be generated for both energy demands. First, daily profiles for the electricity demand were generated for 4 different production days. These daily profiles are additionally subdivided into eight end-use application categories. Finally, white noise is applied to the profile of the mechanical drives. The heat profile is similar to the electrical but is subdivided into four temperature ranges and the two applications hot water and space heating. The space heating application is additionally adjusted to the average monthly outdoor temperature. Both time series were generated for the analysis of an electrification of industrial heat application in energy system modelling.
The energy system is changing since some years in order to achieve the climate goals from the Paris Agreement which wants to prevent an increase of the global temperature above 2 °C [1]. Decarbonisation of the energy system has become for governments a big challenge and different strategies are being stablished. Germany has set greenhouse gas reduction limits for different years and keeps track of the improvement made yearly. The expansion of renewable energy systems (RES) together with decarbonisation technologies are a key factor to accomplish this objective.
This research is done to analyse the effect of introducing biochar, a decarbonisation technology, and study how it will affect the energy system. Pyrolysis is the process from which biochar is obtained and it is modelled in an open-source energy system model. A sensibility analysis is done in order to assess the effect of changing the biomass potential and the costs for pyrolysis.
The role of pyrolysis is analysed in the form of different future scenarios for the year 2045 to evaluate the impact when the CO2 emission limit is zero. All scenarios are compared to the reference scenario, where pyrolysis is not considered.
Results show that biochar can be used to compensate the emissions from other conventional power plant and achieve an energy transition with lower costs. Furthermore, it was also found that pyrolysis can also reduce the need of flexibility. This study also shows that the biomass potential and the pyrolysis costs can strongly affect the behaviour of pyrolysis in the energy system.
One of the major challenges impeding the energy transition is the intermittency of solar and wind electricity generation due to their dependency on weather changes. The demand-side energy flexibility contributes considerably to mitigate the energy supply/demand imbalances resulting from external influences such as the weather. As one of the largest electricity consumers, the industrial enterprises present a high demand-side flexibility potential from their production processes and on-site energy assets. In this direction, methods are needed with a focus on enabling the energy flexibility and ensure an active participation of such enterprises in the electricity markets especially with variable prices of electricity. This paper presents a generic model library for an industrial enterprise implemented with optimal control for energy flexibility purposes. The components in the model library represent the typical technical units of an industrial enterprise on material, media, and energy flow levels with their operative constraints. A case study of a plastic manufacturing plant using the generic model library is also presented, in which the results of two simulation with different electricity prices are compared and the behavior of the model can be assessed. The results show that the model provides an optimal scheduling of the manufacturing system according to the variations in the electricity prices, and ensures an optimal control for utilities and energy systems needed for the production.
This paper shows the results of an in-depth techno-economic analysis of the public transport sector in a small to midsize city and its surrounding area. Public battery-electric and hydrogen fuel cell buses are comparatively evaluated by means of a total cost of ownership (TCO) model building on historical data and a projection of market prices. Additionally, a structural analysis of the public transport system of a specific city is performed, assessing best fitting bus lines for the use of electric or hydrogen busses, which is supported by a brief acceptance evaluation of the local citizens. The TCO results for electric buses show a strong cost decrease until the year 2030, reaching 23.5% lower TCOs compared to the conventional diesel bus. The optimal electric bus charging system will be the opportunity (pantograph) charging infrastructure. However, the opportunity charging method is applicable under the assumption that several buses share the same station and there is a “hotspot” where as many as possible bus lines converge. In the case of electric buses for the year 2020, the parameter which influenced the most on the TCO was the battery cost, opposite to the year 2030 in where the bus body cost and fuel cost parameters are the ones that dominate the TCO, due to the learning rate of the batteries. For H2 buses, finding a hotspot is not crucial because they have a similar range to the diesel ones as well as a similar refueling time. H2 buses until 2030 still have 15.4% higher TCO than the diesel bus system. Considering the benefits of a hypothetical scaling-up effect of hydrogen infrastructures in the region, the hydrogen cost could drop to 5 €/kg. In this case, the overall TCO of the hydrogen solution would drop to a slightly lower TCO than the diesel solution in 2030. Therefore, hydrogen buses can be competitive in small to midsize cities, even with limited routes. For hydrogen buses, the bus body and fuel cost make up a large part of the TCO. Reducing the fuel cost will be an important aspect to reduce the total TCO of the hydrogen bus.
Für Verkehrsunternehmen stellt die Erprobung neuer Technologien eine große Herausforderung dar.
Sowohl Wasserstoff-Busse als auch Batterie-Busse können ihren Beitrag zur Umstellung des ÖPNV auf emissionsfreie Mobilität leisten. Je nach Anwendungsmuster können sich beide Technologien gut ergänzen und zu einem volkswirtschaftlichen Optimum führen. Es gilt, die Technologien im realen Umfeld zu erproben, um praxisnahe Erfahrung zu sammeln und dabei Mitarbeiter auszubilden, ohne die Qualität des Betriebes zu gefährden. Bei der aktuellen Kostenlage sehen beide Technologien ihre Einführung in den Betrieb mit Mehrkosten im Vergleich zu der aktuellen Diesel-Lösung verbunden.
Bei einer Batterie-basierten Lösung mit Pantograph-Schnellladung sind kürzere Linien gute Kandidaten für eine elektrische Umstellung ohne Auswirkungen auf die Größe der Busflotte. Auch Liniensysteme beliebiger Länge mit Knotenpunkten in regelmäßigen Abständen ermöglichen eine gemeinsame Nutzung der Ladeinfrastruktur und stellen somit reduzierte Aufbaukosten der Ladeinfrastruktur in Aussicht. In diesem Fall sind aber auch Fahrplanmanagement-Aspekte hinsichtlich der Ladezeit am Pantograph mit zu berücksichtigen, die nicht Bestandteil dieser Studie gewesen sind. Allgemein lassen die Kosten-Prognosen für Batterie und Batterie-elektrische Fahrzeuge eine signifikante Kostenreduzierung bis 2030 erkennen, die in manchen Konfigurationen zur Kostenparität und sogar geringeren Kosten als mit der Diesel-Variante führen würde.
Anders als für Batterie-Busse stellt die Linien-Konfiguration keinen wirtschaftlichen Einflussfaktor auf den Betrieb von Wasserstoff-Bussen dar. Die derzeitige Reichweite der H2-Busse reicht aus, um die zu erwartende tägliche Fahrleistung zu decken. Bei der Wasserstoffmobilität sind aber die Versorgungsinfrastruktur und die damit verbundenen Kraftstoffkosten von entscheidender Bedeutung. Ihr Aufbau ist mit hohen Investitionskosten und gesetzlichen Verpflichtungen verbunden (BImSchG, BetrSichV), die für eine erste Erprobung der Technologie im kleinen Maßstab eine Hürde für Verkehrsunternehmen darstellen könnte. Die H2 Mobility Deutschland bietet die Möglichkeit an, 700 bar Tankstellen mit einem 350 bar Modul zu erweitern, das die tägliche Versorgung von ca. 6 Bussen ermöglicht. Mit begrenzten Risiken für die Verkehrsunternehmen bietet es sich daher an, die H2 Mobilität auf eine limitierte Busflotte zu erproben. Da der Aufbau des H2-Mobility Deutschland Tankstellennetzes eine Lücke in Offenburg und Umgebung aufweist, wäre es vorstellbar, an der Errichtung einer solchen Tankstelle zu arbeiten, die die Betankung und Erprobung von Wasserstoff-Bussen ermöglicht. Auf längerer Sicht ist die Sicherstellung einer gut platzierten zuverlässigen und nachhaltigen Wasserstoffquelle von entscheidender Bedeutung. Derzeit liegen vorhandene Wasserstoffquellen in mehr als 100 km Entfernung. Eine Nutzung der Wasserkraft des naheliegenden Rheins erscheint durchaus sinnvoll, sowohl aus wirtschaftlichen als auch aus umwelttechnischen Gründen (erneuerbarer Strom, Stromkostenreduzierung durch Eigenversorgung, kürzere Transportwege, möglicher Nutzen für die Eurometropole Straßburg).
Es lässt sich festhalten, dass für die Region Offenburg zunächst die Erprobung beider Technologien, der Elektromobilität als auch der Wasserstoffmobilität, empfohlen wird. Es sollte zeitnah in den Erfahrungsaufbau in beide Technologien investiert werden. Zudem sollte bei der Elektromobilität das Flottenmanagement untersucht und evaluiert werden und bei der Wasserstoffmobilität die Möglichkeiten der Kooperation für den Aufbau der Wasserstofftankstelle. Im Rahmen der nächsten Ausschreibungsrunde für den öffentlichen Nahverkehr in Offenburg wird empfohlen, diesen emissionsfrei auszuschreiben. Es ist absehbar, dass aus Kostengründen (Kostenparität der Elektromobilität mit der Dieselvariante) als auch aus Gründen der Anforderung bzgl. der Emissionsgrenzwerte der ÖPNV emissionsfrei umgesetzt werden sollte.
Short-term load forecasting (STLF) has been playing a key role in the electricity sector for several decades, due to the need for aligning energy generation with the demand and the financial risk connected with forecasting errors. Following the top-down approach, forecasts are calculated for aggregated load profiles, meaning the sum of singular loads from consumers belonging to a balancing group. Due to the emerging flexible loads, there is an increasing relevance for STLF of individual factories. These load profiles are typically more stochastic compared to aggregated ones, which imposes new requirements to forecasting methods and tools with a bottom-up approach. The increasing digitalization in industry with enhanced data availability as well as smart metering are enablers for improved load forecasts. There is a need for STLF tools processing live data with a high temporal resolution in the minute range. Furthermore, behin-the-meter (BTM) data from various sources like submetering and production planning data should be integrated in the models. In this case, STLF is becoming a big data problem so that machine learning (ML) methods are required. The research project “GaIN” investigates the improvement of the STLF quality of an energy utility using BTM data and innovative ML models. This paper describes the project scope, proposes a detailed definition for a benchmark and evaluates the readiness of existing STLF methods to fulfil the described requirements as a reviewing paper.
The review highlights that recent STLF investigations focus on ML methods. Especially hybrid models gain more and more importance. ML can outperform classical methods in terms of automation degree and forecasting accuracy. Nevertheless, the potential for improving forecasting accuracy by the use of ML models depends on the underlying data and the types of input variables. The described methods in the analyzed publications only partially fulfil the tool requirements for STLF on company level. There is still a need to develop suitable ML methods to integrate the expanded data base in order to improve load forecasts on company level.
The sharp rise in electricity and oil prices due to the war in Ukraine has caused fluctuations in the results of the previous study about the economic analysis of electric buses. This paper shows how the increase in fuel prices affects the implementation of electric buses. This publication is constructing the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) model in the small-mid-size city, Offenburg for the transition to electric buses. The future development of costs is estimated and a projection based on learning curves will be carried out. This study intends to introduce a new future prospect by presenting the latest data based on previous research. Through the new TCO result, the cost differences between the existing diesel bus and the electric bus are updated, and also the future prospects for the economic feasibility of the electric bus in a small and midsize city are presented.
Ein Importstopp russischer Energieträger nach Deutschland wird derzeit vermehrt diskutiert. Wir wollen die Diskussion unterstützen, indem wir einen Weg zeigen, wie das Elektrizitätssystem in Deutschland kurzfristig mit geringen Energieimporten auskommt und welche Maßnahmen notwendig sind, um die Klimaschutzziele trotzdem einzuhalten. Die Ergebnisse eines solchen Energiewendeszenarios mit reduzierter Importabhängigkeit werden mit dem Energiesystemmodell MyPyPSA-Ger berechnet. Die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse sind, dass ein zügiger Ausbau Erneuerbarer Energien und von Speichertechnologien • die Abhängigkeit des deutschen Elektrizitätssystems von Energieimporten deutlich reduziert. • auch langfristig keine wesentlichen Importe der Energieträger Erdgas, Steinkohle und Mineralöl nach sich zieht. • über die Klimaziele der Bundesregierung hinaus das 1,5-Grad-Ziel im Elektrizitätssystem erreicht wird.
During pyrolysis, biomass is carbonised in the absence of oxygen to produce biochar with heat and/or electricity as co-products making pyrolysis one of the promising negative emission technologies to reach climate goals worldwide. This paper presents a simplified representation of pyrolysis and analyses the impact of this technology on the energy system. Results show that the use of pyrolysis can allow getting zero emissions with lower costs by making changes in the unit commitment of the power plants, e.g. conventional power plants are used differently, as the emissions will be compensated by biochar. Additionally, the process of pyrolysis can enhance the flexibility of energy systems, as it shows a correlation between the electricity generated by pyrolysis and the hydrogen installation capacity, being hydrogen used less when pyrolysis appears. The results indicate that pyrolysis, which is available on the market, integrates well into the energy system with a promising potential to sequester carbon.
This paper will introduce the open-source model MyPyPSA-Ger, a myopic optimization model developed to represent the German energy system with a detailed mapping of the electricity sector, on a highly disaggregated level, spatially and temporally, with regional differences and investment limitations. Furthermore, this paper will give new outlooks on the German federal government 2050 emissions goals of the electricity sector to become greenhouse gas neutral by proposing new CO2 allowance strategies. Moreover, the regional differences in Germany will be discussed, their role and impact on the energy transition, and which regions and states will drive the renewable energy utilization forward.
Following a scenario-based analysis, the results point out the major keystones of the energy transition path from 2020 to 2050. Solar, onshore wind, and gas-fired power plants will play a fundamental role in the future electricity systems. Biomass, run of river, and offshore wind technologies will be utilized in the system as base-load generation technologies. Solar and onshore wind will be installed almost everywhere in Germany. However, due to the nature of Germany’s weather and geographical features, the southern and northern regions will play a more important role in the energy transition.
Higher CO2 allowance costs will help achieve the 1.5-degree-target of the electricity system and will allow for a rapid transition. Moreover, the more expensive, and the earlier the CO2 tax is applied to the system, the less it will cost for the energy transition, and the more emissions will be saved throughout the transition period. An earlier phase-out of coal power plants is not necessary with high CO2 taxes, due to the change in power plant’s unit commitment, as they prioritize gas before coal power plants. Having moderate to low CO2 allowance cost or no clear transition policy will be more expensive and the CO2 budget will be exceeded. Nonetheless, even with no policy, renewables still dominate the energy mix of the future.
However, maintaining the maximum historical installation rates of both national and regional levels, with the current emissions reduction strategy, will not be enough to reach the level of climate-neutral electricity system. Therefore, national and regional installation requirements to achieve the federal government emission reduction goals are determined. Energy strategies and decision makers will have to resolve great challenges in order to stay in line with the 1.5-degree-target.
An import ban of Russian energy sources to Germany is currently being increasingly discussed. We want to support the discussion by showing a way how the electricity system in Germany can manage low energy imports in the short term and which measures are necessary to still meet the climate protection targets. In this paper, we examine the impact of a complete stop of Russian fossil fuel imports on the electricity sector in Germany, and how this will affect the climate coals of an earlier coal phase-out and climate neutrality by 2045.
Following a scenario-based analysis, the results gave a point of view on how much would be needed to completely rely on the scarce non-renewable energy resources in Germany. Huge amounts of investments would be needed in order to ensure a secure supply of electricity, in both generation energy sources (RES) and energy storage systems (ESS). The key findings are that a rapid expansion of renewables and storage technologies will significantly reduce the dependence of the German electricity system on energy imports. The huge integration of renewable energy does not entail any significant imports of the energy sources natural gas, hard coal, and mineral oil, even in the long term. The results showed that a ban on fossil fuel imports from Russia outlines huge opportunities to go beyond the German government's climate targets, where the 1.5-degree-target is achieved in the electricity system.
The twin concept is increasingly used for optimization tasks in the context of Industry 4.0 and digitization. The twin concept can also help small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) to exploit their energy flexibility potential and to achieve added value by appropriate energy marketing. At the same time, this use of flexibility helps to realize a climate-neutral energy supply with high shares of renewable energies. The digital twin reflects real production, power flows and market influences as a computer model, which makes it possible to simulate and optimize on-site interventions and interactions with the energy market without disturbing the real production processes. This paper describes the development of a generic model library that maps flexibility-relevant components and processes of SME, thus simplifying the creation of a digital twin. The paper also includes the development of an experimental twin consisting of SME hardware components and a PLC-based SCADA system. The experimental twin provides a laboratory environment in which the digital twin can be tested, further developed and demonstrated on a laboratory scale. Concrete implementations of such a digital twin and experimental twin are described as examples.
Most recently, the federal government in Germany published new climate goals in order reach climate neutrality by 2045. This paper demonstrates a path to a cost optimal energy supply system for the German power grid until the year 2050. With special regard to regionality, the system is based on yearly myopic optimization with the required energy system transformation measures and the associated system costs. The results point out, that energy storage systems (ESS) are fundamental for renewables integration in order to have a feasible energy transition. Moreover, the investment in storage technologies increased the usage of the solar and wind technologies. Solar energy investments were highly accompanied with the installation of short-term battery storage. Longer-term storage technologies, such as H2, were accompanied with high installations of wind technologies. The results pointed out that hydrogen investments are expected to overrule short-term batteries if their cost continues to decrease sharply. Moreover, with a strong presence of ESS in the energy system, biomass energy is expected to be completely ruled out from the energy mix. With the current emission reduction strategy and without a strong presence of large scale ESS into the system, it is unlikely that the Paris agreement 2° C target by 2050 will be achieved, let alone the 1.5° C.
With recent developments in the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, many are discussing about Germany’s dependency on fossil fuel imports in its energy system, and how can the country proceed with reducing that dependency. With its wide-ranging consumption sectors, the electricity sector comes as the perfect choice to start with. Recent reports showed that the German federal government is already intending to have a fully renewable electricity by 2035 while exploiting all possible clean power options. This was published in the federal government’s climate emergency program (Easter Package) in early 2022. The aim of this package is to initiate a rapid transition and decarbonization of the electricity sector. The Easter Package expects an enormous growth of renewable energies to a completely new level, with already at least 80% renewable gross energy consumption, with extensive and broad deployment of different generation technologies on various scales. This paper will discuss this ambitious plan and outline some insights into this huge and rapidly increasing step, and show how much will Germany need in order to achieve this huge milestone towards a fully green supply of the electricity sector. Different scenarios and shares of renewables will be investigated in order to elaborate on preponed climate-neutral goal of the electricity sector by 2035. The results pointed out some promising aspects in achieving a 100% renewable power, with massive investments in both generation and storage technologies.
Ziel des Pilotprojektes EnMa-HAW ist die Erarbeitung und Erprobung technisch und organisatorisch übertragbarer Konzepte für ein automationsgestütztes Energiemanagement an allen Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften im Land Baden-Württemberg. Das Energiemanagement wird technisch mittels Messtechnik, Datenerfassung, Datenspeicherung und Visualisierung umgesetzt und organisatorisch mit einem Energiezirkel in den Hochschulen verankert.