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- yes (14)
- Additive Tooling (4)
- 3D print (1)
- 3D-Druck (1)
- 3d print (1)
- Ablation (1)
- Anbieter (1)
- Ausbildung (1)
- Cryoballoon catheter ablation (1)
- Design (1)
- Design-Structure-Matrix (1)
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Zur Herstellung von Spritzgussformeinsätzen kommen in der Regel spanende Verfahren zum Einsatz. In den letzten Jahren hat sich allerdings auch die additive Herstellung dieser Werkzeuge als zweckmäßig erwiesen. In der Produktentwicklung spielt die Agilität heute eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Um mögliche Potentiale des Additive Tooling im Rahmen des Agile Prototyping und um Unterschiede zu den konventionellen Herstellverfahren aufzuzeigen, werden Angebote für die Fertigung mehrerer Formeinsätze durch eine CNC- und HSC-Fertigung, sowie durch additive Herstellung angefragt und hinsichtlich Beschaffungskosten und -zeiten miteinander verglichen. Zudem erfolgt eine Bewertung der technischen Unterschiede. Aus diesen beiden Betrachtungen kann schließlich ein Profil über die drei Herstellverfahren abgeleitet werden, welches bei der anwendungsfallspezifischen Verfahrensauswahl unterstützen soll.
The fast and cost-effective manufacturing of tools for thermoforming is an essential requirement to shorten the development time of products. Thus, additive processes are used increasingly in tooling for thermoforming of plastic sheets. However, a disadvantage of many additive methods is that they are highly cost-intensive, since complex systems based on laser technology and expensive metal powders are needed. Therefore, this paper examines how to work with favorable additive methods, e.g. Binder Jetting, to manufacture tools, which provide sufficient strength for thermoforming. The use of comparatively low-priced inkjet technology for the layer construction and a polymer plaster as material can be expected to result in significant cost reductions. Based on a case study using a cowling (engine bonnet) for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), the development of a complex tool for thermoforming is demonstrated. The object in this study is to produce a tool for a complex-shaped component in small numbers and high quality in a short time and at reasonable costs. Within the tooling process, integrated vacuum channels are implemented in additive tooling without the need for additional post-processing (for example, drilling). In addition, special technical challenges, such as the demolding of undercuts or the parting of the tool are explained. All process steps from tool design to the use of the additively manufactured tool are analyzed. Based on the manufacturing of a small series of cowlings for a UAV made of plastic sheets (ABS), it is shown, that the Binder Jetting offers sufficient mechanical and thermal strength for additive tooling. In addition, an economic evaluation of the tool manufacturing and a detailed consideration of the required manufacturing times for the different process steps are carried out. Finally, a comparison is made with conventional and alternative additive methods of tooling.
Direct Digital Manufacturing of Architectural Models using Binder Jetting and Polyjet Modeling
Today, architectural models are an important tool for illustrating drawn-on plansor computer-generated virtual models and making them understandable. Inaddition to the conventional methods for the manufacturing of physical models, awide range of processes for Direct Digital Manufacturing (DDM) has spreadrapidly in recent years. In order to facilitate the application of these new methodsfor architects, this contribution examines which technical and economic resultsare possible using 3D printed architectural models. Within a case study, it will beshown on the basis of a multi-storey detached house, which kind of datapreparation is necessary. The DDM of architectural models will be demonstratedusing two widespread techniques and the resulting costs will be compared.
This paper presents a method for supporting the application of Additive Tooling (AT)-based validation environments in integrated product development. Based on a case study, relevant process steps, activities and possible barriers in the realisation of an injection-moulded product are identified and analysed. The aim of the method is to support the target-oriented application of Additive Tooling to obtain physical prototypes at an early stage and to shorten validation cycles.
Additive manufacturing (AM), or 3D printing (3DP), has increasingly become more wide-spread and applied to a great degree over the past years. Along with that, the necessity for training courses which impart the required knowledge for product development with 3D printing rises. This article will introduce a “Rapid Prototyping” workshop which should convey to students the technical and creative knowledge for product development in using additive manufacturing. In this workshop, various 3D printers are initially installed and put into operation for the construction of self-assembly kits during the introduced training course. Afterwards, the students use databanks to select and download suitable components for the 3D print on the basis of criteria. Lastly, the students develop several assembly kits independently and establish design guidelines based on their experience. The students likewise learn to estimate and evaluate economic boundaries such as, e.g. costs and delivery times. For a start, it is a new approach to be using various assembly kits. These are up to date with current technology and dispose of features such as, e.g., additional nozzles for support material and heated building platforms. Moreover, a comprehensive evaluation of the training success will be conducted. The students’ level of knowledge in various areas will also be determined and compared with surveys taken before and after the conducting of the workshops. Additionally, cost and delivery time estimates and knowledge of databanks will be determined through concrete questioning.
This study aims to investigate a systematic approach to the production and use of additively manufactured injection mould inserts in product development (PD) processes. For this purpose, an evaluation of the additive tooling design method (ATDM) is performed.
The evaluation of the ATDM is conducted within student workshops, where students develop products and validate them using AT-prototypes. The evaluation process includes the analysis of work results as well as the use of questionnaires and participant observation.
This study shows that the ATDM can be successfully used to assist in producing and using AT mould inserts to produce valid AT prototypes. As a reference for the implementation of AT in industrial PD, extracts from the work of the student project groups and suitable process parameters for prototype production are presented.
This paper presents the application and evaluation of a method to support AT in PD that has not yet been scientifically evaluated.
Due to globalization and the resulting increase in competition on the market, products must be produced more and more cheaply, especially in series production, because buyers expect new variants or even completely new products in ever shorter cycles. Injection molding is the most important production process for manufacturing plastic components in large quantities. However, the conventional production of a mold is extremely time-consuming and costly, which creates a contradiction to the fast pace of the market. Additive tooling is an area of application of additive manufacturing, which in the field of injection molding is preferably used for the prototype production of mold inserts. This allows injection molding tools to be produced faster and more cheaply than through the subtractive manufacturing of metal tools. Material Jetting processes using polymers (MJT-UV/P), also called Polyjet Modeling (PJM), have a great potential for use in additive tooling. Due to the poorer mechanical and thermal properties compared to conventional mold insert materials, e.g. steel or aluminum, the previously used design principles cannot be applied. Accordingly, new design guidelines are necessary, which are developed in this paper. The necessary information is obtained with the help of a systematic literature research. The design guidelines are mapped in a uniform design guide, which is structured according to the design process of injection molds. The guidelines do not only refer to the constructive design of the injection mold or the polymer mold insert, but to the entire design process and describe the four phases of planning, conception, development and realization. Particular attention is paid to the special geometric designs of a polymer mold insert and the thermomechanical properties of the mold insert materials. As a result, design guidelines are available that are adapted to the special requirements of additive tooling of molds inserts made of plastics for injection molding.
The visualization of heart rhythm disturbance and atrial fibrillation therapy allow the optimization of new cardiac catheter ablations. With the simulation software CST (Computer Simulation Technology, Darmstadt) electromagnetic and thermal simulations can be carried out to analyze and optimize different heart rhythm disturbance and cardiac catheters for pulmonary vein isolation. Another form of visualization is provided by haptic, three-dimensional print models. These models can be produced using an additive manufacturing method, such as a 3D printer. The aim of the study was to produce a 3D print of the Offenburg heart rhythm model with a representation of an atrial fibrillation ablation procedure to improve the visualization of simulation of cardiac catheter ablation.
The basis of 3D printing was the Offenburg heart rhythm model and the associated simulation of cryoablation of the pulmonary vein. The thermal simulation shows the pulmonary vein isolation of the left inferior pulmonary vein with the cryoballoon catheter Arctic Front AdvanceTM from Medtronic. After running through the simulation, the thermal propagation during the procedure was shown in the form of different colors. The three-dimensional print models were constructed on the base of the described simulation in a CAD program. Four different 3D printers are available for this purpose in a rapid prototyping laboratory at the University of Applied Science Offenburg. Two different printing processes were used: 1. a binder jetting printer with polymer gypsum and 2. a multi-material printer with photopolymer. A final print model with additional representation of the esophagus and internal esophagus catheter was also prepared for printing.
With the help of the thermal simulation results and the subsequent evaluation, it was possible to make a conclusion about the propagation of the cold emanating from the catheter in the myocardium and the surrounding tissue. It could be measured that already 3 mm from the balloon surface into the myocardium the temperature drops to 25 °C. The simulation model was printed using two 3D printing methods. Both methods as well as the different printing materials offer different advantages and disadvantages. While the first model made of polymer gypsum can be produced quickly and cheaply, the second model made of photopolymer takes five times longer and was twice as expensive. On the other hand, the second model offers significantly better properties and was more durable overall. All relevant parts, especially the balloon catheter and the conduction, are realistically represented. Only the thermal propagation in the form of different colors is not shown on this model.
Three-dimensional heart rhythm models as well as virtual simulations allow a very good visualization of complex cardiac rhythm therapy and atrial fibrillation treatment methods. The printed models can be used for optimization and demonstration of cryoballoon catheter ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation.
The visualization of heart rhythm disturbance and atrial fibrillation therapy allows the optimization of new cardiac catheter ablations. With the simulation software CST (Computer Simulation Technology, Darmstadt) electromagnetic and thermal simulations can be carried out to analyze and optimize different heart rhythm disturbance and cardiac catheters for pulmonary vein isolation. Another form of visualization is provided by haptic, three-dimensional print models. These models can be produced using an additive manufacturing method, such as a 3d printer. The aim of the study was to produce a 3d print of the Offenburg heart rhythm model with a representation of an atrial fibrillation ablation procedure to improve the visualization of simulation of cardiac catheter ablation. The basis of 3d printing was the Offenburg heart rhythm model and the associated simulation of cryoablation of the pulmonary vein. The thermal simulation shows the pulmonary vein isolation of the left inferior pulmonary vein with the cryoballoon catheter Arctic Front Advance™ from Medtronic. After running through the simulation, the thermal propagation during the procedure was shown in the form of different colors. The three-dimensional print models were constructed on the base of the described simulation in a CAD program. Four different 3d printers are available for this purpose in a rapid prototyping laboratory at the University of Applied Science Offenburg. Two different printing processes were used and a final print model with additional representation of the esophagus and internal esophagus catheter was also prepared for printing. With the help of the thermal simulation results and the subsequent evaluation, it was possible to draw a conclusion about the propagation of the cold emanating from the catheter in the myocardium and the surrounding tissue. It was measured that just 3 mm from the balloon surface into the myocardium the temperature dropped to 25 °C. The simulation model was printed using two 3d printing methods. Both methods, as well as the different printing materials offer different advantages and disadvantages. All relevant parts, especially the balloon catheter and the conduction, are realistically represented. Only the thermal propagation in the form of different colors is not shown on this model. Three-dimensional heart rhythm models as well as virtual simulations allow very clear visualization of complex cardiac rhythm therapy and atrial fibrillation treatment methods. The printed models can be used for optimization and demonstration of cryoballoon catheter ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation.
Systematische Erfassung von Einflussfaktoren für das Additive Tooling von Spritzgusswerkzeugen
Additive tooling is a quick and cost-effective way of producing injection molded products and high fidelity prototypes using the injection molding process. As part of product development, additive tooling is integrated into a complex process. A lack of design and application knowledge represents a barrier in its use. The present work shows how a Design-Structure-Matrix (DSM) can be used to systematically record and analyze influencing factors and their interrelationships. A systematic literature search is carried out to identify the factors and relationships.
Um medizinische Behandlungsverfahren in der Praxis besser verstehen und anwenden zu können, gewinnt die Visualisierung der Prozesse an immer größerer Bedeutung. Durch Anwendung der Computer-Simulationssoftware CST können elektromagnetische und thermische Simulationen zur Analyse verschiedener Herzrhythmusstörungen durchgeführt werden. Eine weitere Form der Visualisierung erfolgt durch haptische, dreidimensionale Druckmodelle. Diese Modelle können mit einem generativen Herstellungsverfahren, wie z. B. einem 3D-Drucker, in kürzester Zeit hergestellt werden.