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Bauteile in Dampfturbinen, stationäre Gasturbinen und Fluggasturbinen sind hohen Beanspruchungen ausgesetzt. Wenn die Turbinen gestartet werden, erwärmen sich die Bauteile im „heißen Bereich“ der Turbine auf über 1000 °C. Damit die Bauteile bei diesen Temperaturen nicht einfach dahinschmelzen, werden spezielle hochtemperaturfeste Legierungen verwendet, wie beispielsweise Nickelbasis-Superlegierungen. Die hohen Temperaturschwankungen die beim Starten und beim Abschalten der Turbine auftreten, machen aber auch diese Werkstoffe auf Dauer nicht mit. Beim Aufheizen dehnt sich das Material aus, beim Abkühlen zieht es sich wieder zusammen. Dieses Hin- und Her-Verformen führt dazu, dass der eingesetzte Werkstoff unter „Stress“ kommt und Spannungen im Werkstoff auftreten. Diese Spannungen können dazu führen, dass sich Risse im Material bilden, die unter der zyklischen Belastung (wiederholtes Starten und Abschalten) wachsen, bis das Bauteil kaputt ist. Der Fachmann spricht dabei von der thermo-mechanischen Ermüdung (Thermomechanical Fatigue, TMF) des Werkstoffs.
A crack opening stress equation for in-phase and out-of-phase thermomechanical fatigue loading
In this paper, a crack opening stress equation for in-phase and out-of-phase thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) loading is proposed. The equation is derived from systematic calculations of the crack opening stress with a temperature dependent strip yield model for both plane stress and plane strain, different load ratios and different ratios of the temperature dependent yield stress in compression and tension. Using a load ratio scaled by the ratio of the yield stress in compression and tension, the equation accounts for the effect of the temperature dependent yield stress and the constraint on the crack opening stress. Based on the scaling relation established in this paper, Newman's crack opening stress equation for isothermal loading is enabled to predict the crack opening stress under TMF loading.
In this paper, the correlation of the cyclic J-integral, ΔJ, and the cyclic crack-tip opening displacement, ΔCTOD, is studied in the presence of crack closure to assess the question if ΔJ describes the crack-tip opening displacement in this case. To this end, a method is developed to evaluate ΔJ numerically within finite-element calculations. The method is validated for an elastic–plastic material that exhibits Masing behavior. Different strain ranges and strain ratios are considered under fully plastic cyclic conditions including crack closure. It is shown that the cyclic J-integral is the parameter to determine the cyclic crack-tip opening displacement even in cases where crack closure is present.
In this paper, the multiaxial formulation of a mechanism-based model for fatigue life prediction is presented whichcan be applied to low-cycle fatigue (LCF) and thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) problems in which high-cycle fa-tigue loadings are superimposed. The model assumes that crack growth is the lifetime limiting mechanism and thatthe crack advance in a loading cycleda/dNcorrelates with the cyclic crack-tip opening displacement ΔCTOD.The multiaxial formulation makes use of fracture mechanics solutions and thus, does not need additional modelparameters quantifying the effect of the multiaxiality. Furthermore, the model includes contributions of HCF on ΔCTODand assesses the effect of the direction of the HCF loadings with respect to LCF or TMF loadings inthe life prediction. The model is implemented into the finite-element program ABAQUS. It is applied to predictthe fatigue life of a thermomechanically loaded notched specimen that should represent the situation between theinlet and outlet bore holes of cylinder heads. A good correlation of the predicted and the measured fatigue lives isobtained.
Pure orbital blowout fractures occur within the confines of the internal orbital wall. Restoration of orbital form and volume is paramount to prevent functional and esthetic impairment. The anatomical peculiarity of the orbit has encouraged surgeons to develop implants with customized features to restore its architecture. This has resulted in worldwide clinical demand for patient-specific implants (PSIs) designed to fit precisely in the patient’s unique anatomy. Material extrusion or Fused filament fabrication (FFF) three-dimensional (3D) printing technology has enabled the fabrication of implant-grade polymers such as Polyetheretherketone (PEEK), paving the way for a more sophisticated generation of biomaterials. This study evaluates the FFF 3D printed PEEK orbital mesh customized implants with a metric considering the relevant design, biomechanical, and morphological parameters. The performance of the implants is studied as a function of varying thicknesses and porous design constructs through a finite element (FE) based computational model and a decision matrix based statistical approach. The maximum stress values achieved in our results predict the high durability of the implants, and the maximum deformation values were under one-tenth of a millimeter (mm) domain in all the implant profile configurations. The circular patterned implant (0.9 mm) had the best performance score. The study demonstrates that compounding multi-design computational analysis with 3D printing can be beneficial for the optimal restoration of the orbital floor.
Für die Werkstoffe EN GJS700, EN GJV450 und EN GJL250 werden die Lebensdauern unter kombinierter thermomechanischer und hochfrequenter Belastung vorhergesagt. Hierzu wird ein mechanismenbasiertes Lebensdauermodell verwendet, das auf dem Wachstum von Mikrorissen beruht. Das Modell berücksichtigt das Wachstum von Rissen durch nieder- und überlagerte hochfrequente Belastungszyklen. Anhand von einachsigen Ermüdungsversuchen wurden die Parameter des Lebensdauermodells angepasst, sodass eine bestmögliche Lebensdauervorhersage erzielt wird. Dabei stimmen die vorhergesagten Lebensdauern gut mit den experimentell ermittelten Zyklenzahlen zum Versagen überein.
In this paper, a temperature-dependent viscoplasticity model is presented that describes thermal and cyclic softening of the hot work steel X38CrMoV5-3 under thermomechanical fatigue loading. The model describes the softening state of the material by evolution equations, the material properties of which can be determined on the basis of a defined experimental program. A kinetic model is employed to capture the effect of coarsening carbides and a new isotropic cyclic softening model is developed that takes history effects during thermomechanical loadings into account. The temperature-dependent material properties of the viscoplasticity model are determined on the basis of experimental data measured in isothermal and thermomechanical fatigue tests for the material X38CrMoV5-3 in the temperature range between 20 and 650 ∘C. The comparison of the model and an existing model for isotropic softening shows an improved description of the softening behavior under thermomechanical fatigue loading. A good overall description of the experimental data is possible with the presented viscoplasticity model, so that it is suited for the assessment of operating loads of hot forging tools.
In this paper, the time- and temperature-dependent cyclic ratchetting plasticity of the nickel-based alloy IN100 is experimentally investigated in strain-controlled experiments in the temperature range from 300 °C to 1050 °C. To this end, uniaxial material tests are performed with complex loading histories designed to activate phenomena as strain rate dependency, stress relaxation as well as the Bauschinger effect, cyclic hardening and softening, ratchetting and recovery from hardening. Plasticity models with different levels of complexity are presented that consider these phenomena, and a strategy is derived to determine the multitude of temperature-dependent material properties of the models in a step-by-step procedure based on sub-sets of experimental data of isothermal experiments. The models and the material properties are validated based on the results of non-isothermal experiments. A good description of the time- and temperature-dependent cyclic ratchetting plasticity of IN100 is obtained for isothermal as well as non-isothermal loading with models including ratchetting terms in the kinematic hardening law and the material properties obtained with the proposed strategy.
Hot work tools are subjected to complex thermal and mechanical loads during hot forming processes. Locally, the stresses can exceed the material’s yield strength in highly loaded areas as e.g. in small radii in die cavities. To sustain the high loads, the hot forming tools are typically made of martensitic hot work steels. While temperatures for annealing of the tool steels usually lie in the range between 400 and 600 °C, the steels may experience even higher temperatures during hot forming, resulting in softening of the material due to coarsening of strengthening particles. In this paper, a temperature dependent cyclic plasticity model for the martensitic hot work tool steel 1.2367 (X38CrMoV5-3) is presented that includes softening due to particle coarsening and that can be applied in finite-element calculations to assess the effect of softening on the thermomechanical fatigue life of hot work tools. To this end, a kinetic model for the evolution of the mean size of secondary carbides based on Ostwald ripening is coupled with a cyclic plasticity model with kinematic hardening. Mechanism-based relations are developed to describe the dependency of the mechanical properties on carbide size and temperature. The material properties of the mechanical and kinetic model are determined on the basis of tempering hardness curves as well as monotonic and cyclic tests.