000 Allgemeines, Wissenschaft
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- Conference Proceeding (8)
- Bachelor Thesis (6)
- Contribution to a Periodical (5)
- Article (reviewed) (3)
- Master's Thesis (1)
- Article (unreviewed) (1)
Conference Type
- Konferenzartikel (8)
- Offenburg / Fachhochschule (11)
- Angewandte Forschung (5)
- Usability (3)
- Couplings (2)
- Mobile Learning (2)
- Resonator (2)
- Transceivers (2)
- content adaptation (2)
- device independent learning (2)
- (COM) (1)
- Rektorat/Verwaltung (22)
- CRT - Campus Research & Transfer (19)
- Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (E+I) (bis 03/2019) (10)
- Fakultät Medien und Informationswesen (M+I) (bis 21.04.2021) (8)
- Zentrale Einrichtungen (8)
- Fakultät Medien (M) (ab 22.04.2021) (2)
- Fakultät Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik (M+V) (1)
- Fakultät Wirtschaft (W) (1)
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- Open Access (58)
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Forschung im Fokus 2023
Today's network landscape consists of quite different network technologies, wide range of end-devices with large scale of capabilities and power, and immense quantity of information and data represented in different formats. Research on 3D imaging, virtual reality and holographic techniques will result in new user interfaces (UI) for mobile devices and will increase their diversity and variety. A lot of efforts are being done in order to establish open, scalable and seamless integration of various technologies and content presentation for different devices including mobile considering individual situation of the end user. This is very difficult because various kinds of devices used by different users or in different times/parallel by the same user which are not predictable and have to be recognized by the system in order to identify device capabilities. Not only the devices but also Content and User Interfaces are big issues because they could include different kinds of data format like text, image, audio, video, 3D Virtual Reality data and other upcoming formats. A very suitable and useful example of the use of such a system is mobile learning because of the large amount of varying devices with significantly different features and functionalities. This is true not only to support different learners, e.g. all learners within one learning community, but also to support the same learner using different equipment parallel and/or at different times. Those applications may be significantly enhanced by including virtual reality content presentation. Whatever the purposes are, it is impossible to develop and adapt content for all kind of devices including mobiles individually due to different capabilities of the devices, cost issues and author‘s requirement. A solution should be found to enable the automation of the content adaptation process.
The concept of m-learning which differs from other forms of e-learning covers a wide range of possibilities opened up by the convergence of new mobile technologies, wireless communication structure and distance learning development. This process of converging has launched some new goals to support m-learning where heterogeneity of devices, their operating systems (Linux, Windows, Symbian, Android etc) and supported markup languages (WML, XHTML etc), adaptive content, preferences or characteristics of user have become some of the major problems to be solved. To facilitate the learning process even more and to establish literally anytime anywhere learning, learning material/content should be available to the user always even if the user is in offline. Multiple devices used by the same user should also be synchronized among themselves and with server to provide updated learning content and to give a freedom to the user to choose any device as per his/her convenience. In this paper software architecture has been proposed to solve these problems and has been implemented by using a multidimensional flashcard learning system which synchronizes among all the devices that are being used by the user.
Network landscape of recent time contains many different network technologies, a wide range of end-devices with a large scale of capabilities and power, and an immense quantity of information and data represented in different formats. Research on 3D imaging, virtual reality and holographic techniques will result in new user interfaces (UI) for mobile devices, will increase their diversity and variety. In this paper software architecture has been proposed to establish device and content format independent communication including 3D imaging and virtual reality data as content. As experimental validation the concept is implemented in collaborative Language Learning Game (LLG), which is a learning tool for language acquisition.
Since cabling is very complex and often causes reliability problems in aircrafts new approaches which base on wireless technologies are highly desired. In this paper an innovative communication system is proposed that uses the essential elements of the airframe for data transfer. The communication is based on the wireless standard for Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) and enables high data rates, which are required for the in-flight entertainment system as an example of use.
This paper analyzes the applicability of existing communication technology on the Smart Grid. In particular it evaluates how networks, e.g. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) and decentralized Virtual Private Network (VPN) can help set up an agent-based system. It is expected that applications on Smart Grid devices will become more powerful and be able to operate without a central control instance. We analyze which requirements agents and Smart Grid devices place on communication systems and validate promising approaches. The main focus is to create a logical overlay network that provides direct communication between network nodes. We provide a comparison of different approaches of P2P networks and mesh-VPNs. Finally the advantages of mesh-VPN for agent-based systems are worked out.
In large aircrafts the cabling is very complex and often causes reliability problems. This is specially true for modern In-flight Entertainment (IFE) systems, where every passenger can select a preferred movie, play computer games or be able to communicate with other travellers. Due to EMC problems, wireless communication systems (WiFi etc.) didn't succeed in solving these problems. In this paper an innovative communication system is proposed which perfectly supplements an aircraft IFE system. The key innovation of this system is to use structures that are essential parts of the airframe for data transfer, such as seat rails. Those rails consist of rectangular shapes and could easily be modified to fulfill the function of waveguides for microwaves. A waveguide as part of the seat rail would provide enormous benefits for aircrafts, such as a large bandwidth and consequently high data rates, no problems with EMC, unlimited flexibility of seat configuration, mechanical robustness with associated increase of reliability and a few additional advantages related to aircrafts such as reduction of weight and costs.
The advantages of the coupled-mode (COM) formalism and the transmission-matrix approach are combined in order to create exact and computationally efficient analysis and synthesis tools for the design of coupled surface acoustic wave resonator filters. The models for the filter components, in particular gratings, interdigital transducers (IDTs) and multistrip couplers (MSCs), are based on the COM approach that delivers closed-form expressions. To determine the pertinent COM parameters, the COM differential equations are solved and the solution is compared with analytically derived expressions from the transmission-matrix approach and the Green's function method. The most important second-order effects, such as energy storage, propagation loss, and mechanical and electrical loading, are fully taken into account. As an example, a two-pole, acoustically coupled resonator filter at 914.5 MHz on AT quartz is investigated. Excellent agreement between theory and measurement is found.
It is demonstrated that microwave structures incorporating dielectric resonators (DR) are accurately characterised by means of a 3-dimensional finite-difference CAD package. All major assumptions made so far have been dropped, offering the possibility of a rigorous analysis of the embedding of dielectric resonators into microwave structures. In particular, a finite thickness for the microstrip conductor has been taken into account. The coupling of the DR to a microstrip placed in a metallic housing has been theoretically and experimentally investigated. Theoretical and experimental results are in good agreement and give new insight into DR coupling to microstrip circuits.
The mobile devices related industries are subject to rapid change, driven by technological advances and dynamic consumer behaviour. Hence, the understanding of the mobile devices markets is an important step in the analysis phase of mobile applications development. In this paper, a brief description of the different markets is introduced followed by an analysis of the main features of the markets leaders' devices which are important in the development process of mobile web applications. Finally, approaches are proposed to deal with the mobile devices diversity.
Forschung im Fokus 2022
Entwicklung eines Kommunikationskonzepts für Black Forest Formula an der Hochschule Offenburg
Die vorliegende Masterthesis befasst sich mit der Entwicklung eines Kommunikationskonzepts für das Black Forest Formula Projekt an der Hochschule Offenburg. Die bisherigen kommunikativen Aktivitäten werden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit überarbeitet und erweitert, sodass ein konsistentes Gesamtkonzept für die Kommunikation entsteht. Hierzu werden die einzelnen Phasen eines Konzeptionsprozesses durchlaufen. Das Ziel ist eine langfristige Planung, welche die Interessen der verschiedenen Gruppen innerhalb und außerhalb des Projekts berücksichtigt, um deren Unterstützung zu sichern. Des Weiteren wird durch die Ausrichtung auf festgelegte Kommunikationsziele eine Verbesserung der internen und externen Kommunikation von Black Forest Formula angestrebt. Die Arbeit richtet sich daher insbesondere an die leitenden Mitglieder des Teams und soll diesen als Handlungsempfehlung dienen. Darüber hinaus ist die Arbeit auch für all jene interessant, die sich mit dem Ablauf und den Methoden zur Entwicklung von Kommunikationskonzepten befassen möchten.
Das Marktumfeld und die Wettbewerbssituation, in denen sich die Fernsehsender bewegen, haben sich mit den Jahren stark verändert. Dieser Wandlungsprozess ist auf die Digitalisierung, Globalisierung und Individualisierung zurückzuführen. Die Konvergenz branchenverwandter Märkte und das Auftreten neuer Akteure sorgen für einen stetigen Wettbewerbsdruck. Video-on-Demand-Anbieter sind auf dem Vormarsch und bilden damit eine ernstzunehmende Konkurrenz, um das klassische Fernsehen als meistgenutztes Bewegtbild-Medium abzulösen.
Das Ziel in der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es einen Marktvergleich vom deutschen Video-on-Demand- und Fernsehmarkt zu realisieren. Dazu wird die folgende Forschungsfrage gestellt: Löst Video-on-Demand das lineare Fernsehen in der Zukunft ab? Um die Forschungsfrage zu beantworten, wurde eine ausführliche Literaturrecherche durchgeführt und diese mit neuen Erkenntnissen aus Studien und Statistiken kombiniert.
Die Recherche hat ergeben, dass das lineare Fernsehen nur mit einer sehr geringen Wahrscheinlichkeit ganz aussterben wird. Die beiden Mediengattungen Fernsehen und VoD werden viel eher nebeneinander in einer Koexistenz funktionieren. VoD wird in der Zukunft aber einen immer größeren Teil in der Gesellschaft einnehmen.
Das Prinzip von VoD hat durchaus das Potential das lineare Fernsehen in Zukunft abzulösen. Dafür muss die ältere Zielgruppe noch umfangreicher erreicht werden. Außerdem muss für einen breiten Inhalte-Mix gesorgt werden, den das Fernsehen aktuell noch in einem viel größeren Umfang bietet.
Forschung im Fokus 2021
VR als Chance für Museen
Diese Bachelorarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Usability-Analyse der Websites der Deutschen Bahn AG (bahn.de) und der FlixMobility GmbH (flixbus.de). Das Ziel dieser Forschung ist es, durch eine expertenbasierte Usability-Evaluation Probleme und Schwierigkeiten bei der Nutzung des Webangebots zu identifizieren und beide Websites einem direkten Vergleich zu unterziehen. Auf Basis der gewonnenen Untersuchungsergebnisse sollen Handlungsempfehlungen aufgestellt werden.
Um potenzielle Nutzungsschwierigkeiten zu identifizieren, wird eine expertenbasierte Usability-Evaluation durchgeführt. Dabei werden die Websites entlang der genormten Richtlinien der DIN EN ISO 9241 sowie weiterer eigens festgelegter Usability-Kriterien beurteilt.
Die Untersuchungsergebnisse zeigen, dass beide Websites noch Einschränkungen in ihrer Usability aufweisen und dass auch Websites etablierter Unternehmen noch Optimierungspotenzial besitzen. Aufgrund dessen ist es empfehlenswert, dass die Unternehmen der untersuchten Websites ihren Webauftritt entlang der entwickelten Handlungsempfehlungen optimieren, um den Bedürfnissen der Nutzenden gerecht zu werden und somit weitere Hürden im deutschen Fernverkehr zu beseitigen.
Campus 2020
Forschung im Fokus 2020