Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (E+I) (bis 03/2019)
Year of publication
Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (485)
- Article (reviewed) (147)
- Article (unreviewed) (94)
- Bachelor Thesis (59)
- Book (40)
- Contribution to a Periodical (38)
- Part of a Book (31)
- Patent (30)
- Master's Thesis (15)
- Letter to Editor (13)
Conference Type
- Konferenzartikel (320)
- Konferenz-Abstract (76)
- Konferenzband (57)
- Sonstiges (23)
- Konferenz-Poster (9)
- English (528)
- German (424)
- Other language (2)
- Multiple languages (1)
- Russian (1)
- Spanish (1)
- Mikroelektronik (56)
- RoboCup (20)
- Kommunikation (15)
- Mathematik (12)
- E-Learning (8)
- Eingebettetes System (8)
- Energieversorgung (8)
- Intelligentes Stromnetz (8)
- Messtechnik (8)
- Applikation (7)
- Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (E+I) (bis 03/2019) (957)
- ivESK - Institut für verlässliche Embedded Systems und Kommunikationselektronik (65)
- INES - Institut für nachhaltige Energiesysteme (30)
- POIM - Peter Osypka Institute of Medical Engineering (15)
- Fakultät Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik (M+V) (12)
- Fakultät Medien und Informationswesen (M+I) (bis 21.04.2021) (12)
- IUAS - Institute for Unmanned Aerial Systems (10)
- CRT - Campus Research & Transfer (9)
- Zentrale Einrichtungen (8)
- Fakultät Wirtschaft (W) (6)
Open Access
- Open Access (384)
- Closed Access (301)
- Bronze (158)
- Closed (119)
- Gold (2)
- Diamond (1)
- Grün (1)
Wireless systems continue to rapidly gain popularity. This is extremely true for data networks in the local and personal area, which are called WLAN and WPAN, respectively. However, most of those systems are working in the license-free industrial scientific medical (ISM) frequency bands, where neither resource planning nor bandwidth allocation can be guaranteed. To date, the most widespread systems in the 2.4 GHz ISM band are IEEE802.11 as stated in IEEE Std. 802-11 (1997) and Bluetooth, with ZigBee based in IEEE Std. 802.15.4 (2003) and IEEE802.15.4 as upcoming standards for short range wireless networks. In this paper we examine the mutual effects of these different communication standards. Measurements are performed with real-life equipment, in order to quantify coexistence issues.
The use of IPv6 over IEEE802.15.4 promises the cost-efficient, highly scalable and gateway-free deployment of short-range wireless networks. However, a number of challenges and caveats must be taken into account. This contribution delivers insight on the IPv4 and IPv6 technologies to be applied. It continues with an overview on major implementation topics, and finally names open issues to be solved.
The final paper goes beyond the high abstraction level of this abstract and provides case-by-case analysis of the discussed feature.
Der integrierte Entwurf von Systemen, die aus Hardware und Software bestehen, ist bereits seit Jahrzehnten Gegenstand von Forschung und Entwicklung. Allerdings stehen erst seit einigen wenigen Jahren Werkzeuge und Bauelemente zur Verfügung, die auch kleineren Hochschulen einen kostengünstigen Entwurf solcher gemischter Systeme erlauben. In etwa der gleichen Zeit ist die Verbreitung von vernetzten und verteilten Embedded Systemen in immensem Maße angestiegen.
Dieser Beitrag erläutert an Hand von typischen Fallbeispielen, wie beide Bereiche sinnvoll und praxisorientiert miteinander verbunden werden können, um eine neue qualitative Stufe der Systementwicklung zu erreichen.
Reduction of power consumption is a major stepping stone towards truly wireless and mobile devices. Especially in the field of machine-to-machine-(M2M)-communication, many applications call for several months or years without battery changes. However, batteries must be kept as small as possible due to cost, weight, and form factor. Whereas it is quite easy to optimize the energy consumption of the periodical operation of a sensor’s communication path by applying extensive power-down periods, this is much more difficult for the actuator side. There, latency may become a major hurdle, if the communication circuit is put into a sleep mode. This contribution describes strategies for wireless communication of actuators and activated sensors. The strategies include wake-up (activation) circuits, regular power-down phases, sniffing for energy detection and address matching, and mixed strategies. In addition, architectural issues are discussed. Finally, example solutions and calculations give an insight into the feasibility of products.
IPsec for Embedded Systems
The growing number of embedded devices with interconnection to the Internet causes severe security risks. VPN-oriented countermeasures suffer from the fact that embedded devices come with only very limited resources. This contribution discusses the requirements for an embedded VPN based on IPsec. IPsec is an extension of the IP protocol to encrypt and to authenticate IP packets for secure transmission.
Power consumption models for wireless grid networks with special regard of energy autonomous systems
This paper presents a statistical model to identify optimum system parameters for wireless sensor networks with meshed and multi-hop topologies. Power-efficiency is of prevalent importance for wireless sensor networks as they use battery-operated computing and sensing devices, or even autonomous energy sources, which apply energy harvesting. Different approaches exist to reduce the power consumption of the nodes. They concentrate on device oriented measures, such as monolithic integration of down-scaled semiconductor devices, energy-efficient MAC-protocols allowing extensive power-down phases, and adaptive routing-algorithms. In addition, one may trade off output power, range and number of networking nodes. The described optimization is independent from those other development directions and thus can be used on top of them in order to further decrease power consumption of the individual networking nodes. The optimization is based on the dislocation of the nodes, their electrical parameters, and their traffic characteristics being assumed to follow the Poisson distribution. The impact of energy harvesting is especially considered.