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When designing and installing Indoor Positioning Systems, several interrelated tasks have to be solved to find an optimum placement of the Access Points. For this purpose, a mathematical model for a predefined number of access points indoors is presented. Two iterative algorithms for the minimization of localization error of a mobile object are described. Both algorithms use local search technique and signal level probabilities. Previously registered signal strengths maps were used in computer simulation.
For this demonstration we present a system that allows to generate unique physical keys within a generic hardware-/software framework that exploits intrinsic variations in the manner of analog differential PUF structures. Analog PUF structures, realized as stand-alone integrated chips are complex and costly systems with limited direct access for the research community. DiffC-PUF's discrete design enables access to a reliable PUF in a full system including software for HW/SW security analysis in R&D settings. The design and fabrication costs of the discrete PUF are far lower than for integrated PUFs. The DiffC-PUF architecture shown in the demo is intended to be used in board-level security without developing an IC. In comparison to typical PUF implementations such as ring oscillator (RO)-PUFs, DiffC-PUF is much less complex when it is assembled with discrete components, while allowing the same non-linear growth of response bit width scaling. Another major advantage of the herein presented discrete PUF is that it is possible to access and measure all parts of the PUF circuit and to explore the underlying effects that cause the variations, used for digital PUF response generation, as well as the negative effects arising from real environmental operation. Therefore, the modular architecture is highly suitable for research and academic purposes in laboratories to measure and analyze a real hardware PUF and tackle questions coming up from a software security side. With an average reliability of 99.20% and an uniqueness of 48.84% the proposed system shows values close to ideal.
Novel manufacturing technologies, such as printed electronics, may enable future applications for the Internet of Everything like large-area sensor devices, disposable security, and identification tags. Printed physically unclonable functions (PUFs) are promising candidates to be embedded as hardware security keys into lightweight identification devices. We investigate hybrid PUFs based on a printed PUF core. The statistics on the intra- and inter-hamming distance distributions indicate a performance suitable for identification purposes. Our evaluations are based on statistical simulations of the PUF core circuit and the thereof generated challenge-response pairs. The analysis shows that hardware-intrinsic security features can be realized with printed lightweight devices.
In recent years, Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) have gained significant attraction in the Internet of Things (IoT) for security applications such as cryptographic key generation and entity authentication. PUFs extract the uncontrollable production characteristics of physical devices to generate unique fingerprints for security applications. One common approach for designing PUFs is exploiting the intrinsic features of sensors and actuators such as MEMS elements, which typically exist in IoT devices. This work presents the Cantilever-PUF, a PUF based on a specific MEMS device – Aluminum Nitride (AlN) piezoelectric cantilever. We show the variations of electrical parameters of AlN cantilevers such as resonance frequency, electrical conductivity, and quality factor, as a result of uncontrollable manufacturing process variations. These variations, along with high thermal and chemical stability, and compatibility with silicon technology, makes AlN cantilever a decent candidate for PUF design. We present a cantilever design, which magnifies the effect of manufacturing process variations on electrical parameters. In order to verify our findings, the simulation results of the Monte Carlo method are provided. The results verify the eligibility of AlN cantilever to be used as a basic PUF device for security applications. We present an architecture, in which the designed Cantilever-PUF is used as a security anchor for PUF-enabled device authentication as well as communication encryption.
Embedded Analog Physical Unclonable Function System to Extract Reliable and Unique Security Keys
Internet of Things (IoT) enabled devices have become more and more pervasive in our everyday lives. Examples include wearables transmitting and processing personal data and smart labels interacting with customers. Due to the sensitive data involved, these devices need to be protected against attackers. In this context, hardware-based security primitives such as Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) provide a powerful solution to secure interconnected devices. The main benefit of PUFs, in combination with traditional cryptographic methods, is that security keys are derived from the random intrinsic variations of the underlying core circuit. In this work, we present a holistic analog-based PUF evaluation platform, enabling direct access to a scalable design that can be customized to fit the application requirements in terms of the number of required keys and bit width. The proposed platform covers the full software and hardware implementations and allows for tracing the PUF response generation from the digital level back to the internal analog voltages that are directly involved in the response generation procedure. Our analysis is based on 30 fabricated PUF cores that we evaluated in terms of PUF security metrics and bit errors for various temperatures and biases. With an average reliability of 99.20% and a uniqueness of 48.84%, the proposed system shows values close to ideal.
Hybrid low-voltage physical unclonable function based on inkjet-printed metal-oxide transistors
Modern society is striving for digital connectivity that demands information security. As an emerging technology, printed electronics is a key enabler for novel device types with free form factors, customizability, and the potential for large-area fabrication while being seamlessly integrated into our everyday environment. At present, information security is mainly based on software algorithms that use pseudo random numbers. In this regard, hardware-intrinsic security primitives, such as physical unclonable functions, are very promising to provide inherent security features comparable to biometrical data. Device-specific, random intrinsic variations are exploited to generate unique secure identifiers. Here, we introduce a hybrid physical unclonable function, combining silicon and printed electronics technologies, based on metal oxide thin film devices. Our system exploits the inherent randomness of printed materials due to surface roughness, film morphology and the resulting electrical characteristics. The security primitive provides high intrinsic variation, is non-volatile, scalable and exhibits nearly ideal uniqueness.
In recent years, both the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain technologies have been highly influential and revolutionary. IoT enables companies to embrace Industry 4.0, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which benefits from communication and connectivity to reduce cost and to increase productivity through sensor-based autonomy. These automated systems can be further refined with smart contracts that are executed within a blockchain, thereby increasing transparency through continuous and indisputable logging. Ideally, the level of security for these IoT devices shall be very high, as they are specifically designed for this autonomous and networked environment. This paper discusses a use case of a company with legacy devices that wants to benefit from the features and functionality of blockchain technology. In particular, the implications of retrofit solutions are analyzed. The use of the BISS:4.0 platform is proposed as the underlying infrastructure. BISS:4.0 is
intended to integrate the blockchain technologies into existing enterprise environments. Furthermore, a security analysis of IoT and blockchain present attacks and countermeasures are presented that are identified and applied to the mentioned use case.
With many advances in sensor technology and the Internet of Things, Vehicle Ad Hoc Net- work (VANET) is becoming a new generation. VANET’s current technical challenges are deploying decentralized architecture and protecting privacy. Because Blockchain features are decentralized, distributed, mass storage, and non-manipulation features, this paper designs a new decentralized architecture using Blockchain technology called Blockchain-based VANET. Blockchain-based VANET can effectively resolve centralized problems and mutual distrust between VANET units. To achieve this, it is needed to provide scalability on the blockchain to run for VANET. In this system, our focus is on the reliability of incoming messages on the network. Vehicles check the validity of the received messages using the proposed Bayesian formula for trust management system and some information saved in the Blockchain. Then, based on the validation result, the vehicle computes a rate for each message type and message source vehicle. Vehicles upload the computed rates to Roadside Units (RSUs) in order to calculate the net reliability value. Finally, RSUs using a sharding consensus mechanism generate blocks, including the net reliability value as a transaction. In this system, all RSUs collaboratively maintain the latest updated Blockchain. Our experimental results show that the proposed system is effective, scalable and dependable in data gathering, computing, organization, and retrieval of trust values in VANET.
The increase of the Internet of Things (IoT) calls for secure solutions for industrial applications. The security of IoT can be potentially improved by blockchain. However, blockchain technology suffers scalability issues which hinders integration with IoT. Solutions to blockchain’s scalability issues, such as minimizing the computational complexity of consensus algorithms or blockchain storage requirements, have received attention. However, to realize the full potential of blockchain in IoT, the inefficiencies of its inter-peer communication must also be addressed. For example, blockchain uses a flooding technique to share blocks, resulting in duplicates and inefficient bandwidth usage. Moreover, blockchain peers use a random neighbor selection (RNS) technique to decide on other peers with whom to exchange blockchain data. As a result, the peer-to-peer (P2P) topology formation limits the effective achievable throughput. This paper provides a survey on the state-of-the-art network structures and communication mechanisms used in blockchain and establishes the need for network-based optimization. Additionally, it discusses the blockchain architecture and its layers categorizes existing literature into the layers and provides a survey on the state-of-the-art optimization frameworks, analyzing their effectiveness and ability to scale. Finally, this paper presents recommendations for future work.