Document Type
Conference Type
- Konferenzartikel (4)
- Konferenz-Abstract (3)
- English (13)
Is part of the Bibliography
- yes (13)
- Biomechanics (10)
- Locomotion (2)
- Running (2)
- Spikes (2)
- Sports performance (2)
- Advanced Footwear Technology (1)
- Behavioral matching (1)
- Body sway (1)
- Conversation analysis (1)
- Exercise Physiology (1)
Managing lower extremity loading in distance running by altering sagittal plane trunk leaning
Trunk lean angle is an underrepresented biomechanical variable for modulating and redistributing lower extremity joint loading and potentially reducing the risk of running-related overuse injuries. The purpose of this study was to systematically alter the trunk lean angle in distance running using an auditory real-time feedback approach and to derive dose–response relationships between sagittal plane trunk lean angle and lower extremity (cumulative) joint loading to guide overuse load management in clinical practice.
Thirty recreational runners (15 males and 15 females) ran at a constant speed of 2.5 m/s at 5 systematically varied trunk lean conditions on a force-instrumented treadmill while kinematic and kinetic data were captured.
A change in trunk lean angle from –2° (extension) to 28° (flexion) resulted in a systematic increase in stance phase angular impulse, cumulative impulse, and peak moment at the hip joint in the sagittal and transversal plane. In contrast, a systematic decrease in these parameters at the knee joint in the sagittal plane and the hip joint in the frontal plane was found (p < 0.001). Linear fitting revealed that with every degree of anterior trunk leaning, the cumulative hip joint extension loading increases by 3.26 Nm·s/kg/1000 m, while simultaneously decreasing knee joint extension loading by 1.08 Nm·s/kg/1000 m.
Trunk leaning can reduce knee joint loading and hip joint abduction loading, at the cost of hip joint loading in the sagittal and transversal planes during distance running. Modulating lower extremity joint loading by altering trunk lean angle is an effective strategy to redistribute joint load between/within the knee and hip joints. When implementing anterior trunk leaning in clinical practice, the increased demands on the hip musculature, dynamic stability, and the potential trade-off with running economy should be considered.
High-tech running shoes and spikes ("super-footwear") are currently being debated in sports. There is direct evidence that distance running super shoes improve running economy; however, it is not well established to which extent world-class performances are affected over the range of track and road running events.
This study examined publicly available performance datasets of annual best track and road performances for evidence of potential systematic performance effects following the introduction of super footwear. The analysis was based on the 100 best performances per year for men and women in outdoor events from 2010 to 2022, provided by the world governing body of athletics (World Athletics).
We found evidence of progressing improvements in track and road running performances after the introduction of super distance running shoes in 2016 and super spike technology in 2019. This evidence is more pronounced for distances longer than 1500 m in women and longer than 5000 m in men. Women seem to benefit more from super footwear in distance running events than men.
While the observational study design limits causal inference, this study provides a database on potential systematic performance effects following the introduction of super shoes/spikes in track and road running events in world-class athletes. Further research is needed to examine the underlying mechanisms and, in particular, potential sex differences in the performance effects of super footwear.
Relationships between External, Wearable Sensor-Based, and Internal Parameters: A Systematic Review
Micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) are used to record training and match play of intermittent team sport athletes. Paired with estimates of internal responses or adaptations to exercise, practitioners gain insight into players’ dose–response relationship which facilitates the prescription of the training stimuli to optimize performance, prevent injuries, and to guide rehabilitation processes. A systematic review on the relationship between external, wearable-based, and internal parameters in team sport athletes, compliant with the PRISMA guidelines, was conducted. The literature research was performed from earliest record to 1 September 2020 using the databases PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL, and SportDISCUS. A total of 66 full-text articles were reviewed encompassing 1541 athletes. About 109 different relationships between variables have been reviewed. The most investigated relationship across sports was found between (session) rating of perceived exertion ((session-)RPE) and PlayerLoad™ (PL) with, predominantly, moderate to strong associations (r = 0.49–0.84). Relationships between internal parameters and highly dynamic, anaerobic movements were heterogenous. Relationships between average heart rate (HR), Edward’s and Banister’s training impulse (TRIMP) seem to be reflected in parameters of overall activity such as PL and TD for running-intensive team sports. PL may further be suitable to estimate the overall subjective perception. To identify high fine-structured loading—relative to a certain type of sport—more specific measures and devices are needed. Individualization of parameters could be helpful to enhance practicality.
This study aimed to investigate the effects of ankle taping on lower extremity joint biomechanics. Kinetic and kinematic data were collected from 25 participants using 3D motion capturing and force platforms without shoes for running (RUN), drop jumping (DJ), and 180° change of direction (COD), in tape applied fresh (TF) and tape after sports-specific use (TU) conditions compared to a barefoot (BF) baseline. Taping conditions decreased peak ankle excursions and moments for the frontal and sagittal planes for some of the sports-specific movements. However, TF did not significantly alter the knee and hip moments in the frontal and sagittal planes. Reducing ankle excursion likely offers some protection to extreme joint ranges. To reduce restrictions imposed by fresh taping on the sagittal plane ankle ROM, applying ankle taping already during the pre-match warm-up might be useful.
The study aimed to establish dose-response relationships between systematically altered anterior trunk leaning (ATL) and lower extremity cumulative joint loading (angular impulse x number of strides) as well as cost of transport (COT) in distance running. Twenty-eight recreational runners underwent a series of six treadmill runs (2.5 m/s) with five predefined ATL conditions (from -4° extension to 28° flexion) and one self-selected ATL condition for five minutes with 3D motion capture and spirometry. Increasing ATL systematically decreased cumulative knee joint loading and increased cumulative hip joint loading in all conditions. However, running outside the preferred running style increased COT. Designing ATL-based overuse load management interventions shows promise, but clinical implementation requires careful consideration of the COT and joint loading trade-offs.
We investigated the trade-off between metabolic cost and dynamic stability in 15 recreational runners who experienced sudden slip-like anteroposterior perturbations (SLAPs) during treadmill running (2.5 m/s). Following SLAPs, a significant 3.4% increase in the cost of transport was observed. However, there were no significant changes in single gait parameters or lower limb kinematics in the sagittal plane. Future investigations should explore the underlying neuromuscular mechanisms and broader functional biomechanical variables. Overall, we show that human motor control prioritizes dynamic stability more when expecting SLAPs compared to non-expecting them, highlighting a potential trade-off between metabolic efficiency and traumatic injury prevention that warrants further exploration of underlying mechanisms.
This study aimed to identify the impact of different forefoot cushioning properties in “advanced spiked footwear” on sprinting performance during the block start. Kinetic parameters were collected for twenty-three competitive sprinters during a block sprint start in two advanced spike conditions with only a difference in forefoot cushioning stiffness. An instrumented start block was used to measure the ground reaction forces applied in the front and rear leg. The stiffer shoe condition showed significantly better performance for most parameters, suggesting a softer midsole in forefoot cushioning is not related to better block start performance. This study has demonstrated that differences in midsole materials can alter sprinting block performance and should be considered when analysing advanced spikes features, especially across different shoe brands and their cushioning technologies.
Human interaction frequently includes decision-making processes during which interactants call on verbal and non-verbal resources to manage the flow of interaction. In 2017, Stevanovic et al. carried out pioneering work, analyzing the unfolding of moment-by-moment dynamics by investigating the behavioral matching during search and decision-making phases. By studying the similarities in the participant's body sway during a conversation task in Finnish, the authors showed higher behavioral matching during decision phases than during search phases. The purpose of this research was to investigate the whole-body sway and its coordination during joint search and decision-making phases as a replication of the study by Stevanovic et al. (2017) but based on a German population. Overall, 12 dyads participated in this study and were asked to decide on 8 adjectives, starting with a pre-defined letter, to describe a fictional character. During this joint-decision task (duration: 206.46 ± 116.08 s), body sway of both interactants was measured using a 3D motion capture system and center of mass (COM) accelerations were computed. Matching of body sway was calculated using a windowed cross correlation (WCC) of the COM accelerations. A total of 101 search and 101 decision phases were identified for the 12 dyads. Significant higher COM accelerations (5.4*10−3 vs. 3.7*10−3 mm/s2, p < 0.001) and WCC coefficients (0.47 vs. 0.45, p = 0.043) were found during decision-making phases than during search phases. The results suggest that body sway is one of the resources humans use to communicate the arrival at a joint decision. These findings contribute to a better understanding of interpersonal coordination from a human movement science perspective.