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Is part of the Bibliography
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- Algorithmus (2)
- CST (2)
- Couplings (2)
- Flugzeug (2)
- Frequenz (2)
- HF-Ablation (2)
- Leistungsverstärker (2)
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- Sprechende Sitzschiene (2)
- Transceivers (2)
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The invention concerns a method for spectrum monitoring a given frequency band, in which the spectral power density (S(f)) within the given frequency band is determined for all noise and signal components in the frequency band and, in order to detect the presence of one or more signals within the given frequency band, it is evaluated whether the spectral power density (S(f)) exceeds a threshold value (&lgr;). According to the invention, the threshold value (&lgr;) is calculated in accordance with an estimation of a distribution density (hR(S)) for the noise component of the spectral power density (S(f)) within the given frequency band and in accordance with a predefined value for the false-alarm probability (Pfa).
Die Entwicklung von neuartigen Elektrodentypen und die Weiterentwicklung bestehender Produkten machen einen großen Teil der entstehenden Kosten für ein Unternehmen aus. Mithilfe geeigneter Software können Änderungen der Konstruktionen erfasst und bestimmte Simulationen, bspw. das Auftreten von Wechselwirkungen im elektrischen Feld, vor der eigentlichen Prototypenerstellung durchgeführt werden. Das Ziel der Studie besteht in der Modellierung unterschiedlicher Schrittmacher- und Ablationselektroden und deren Integration in das Offenburger Herzrhythmusmodell (HRM) zur statischen und dynamischen Simulation der biventrikulären Stimulation und HF Ablation bei Vorhofflimmern (AF).
Die Simulation komplexer kardialer Strukturen und kardialer Elektroden ist von Bedeutung für die Optimierung langatmiger und kostspieliger klinischer Studien. Das Risiko der Patientengefährdung wird durch diese Methode auf ein Minimum reduziert. Das Ziel der Studie besteht im Entwurf eines anatomisch korrekten 3D CAD Herzrhythmusmodells (HRM) zur Simulation von elektrophysiologischen Untersuchungen (EPU) und Hochfrequenz-(HF-)Ablationen.
Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Spektrum-Monitoring eines vorgegebenen Frequenzbandes, bei dem die spektrale Leistungsdichte (S(f)) innerhalb des vorgegebenen Frequenzbandes für alle in dem Frequenzband enthaltenen Rausch- und Signalanteile bestimmt wird und für das Detektieren des Vorhandenseins eines oder mehrerer Signale innerhalb des vorgegebenen Frequenzbandes das Überschreiten eines Schwellenwertes (λ) durch die spektrale Leistungsdichte (S(f)) ausgewertet wird. Erfindungsgemäß wird der Schwellenwert (λ) abhängig von einer Schätzung einer Verteilungsdichte (hR(S)) für den Rauschanteil der spektralen Leistungsdichte (S(f)) innerhalb des vorgegebenen Frequenzbandes und einem vorgegebenen Wert für die Falschalarmwahrscheinlichkeit (Pfa) berechnet.
An investigation is underway regarding the usefulness of altazimuth-mounting telescopes' incorporation of laser gyros for pointing and fiber gyros with extremely small random-walk coefficient for telescope inertial stabilization during tracking. A star tracker is expected to help stabilize long-term gyro bias. Gyro and telescope specifications have been derived by means of computer simulations and systems analyses.
Signal detection and bandwidth estimation, also known as channel segmentation or information channel estimation, is a perpetual topic in communication systems. In the field of radio monitoring this issue is extremely challenging, since unforeseeable effects like fading occur accidentally. In addition, most radio monitoring devices normally scan a wide frequency range of several hundred MHz and have to detect a multitude of different signals, varying in signal power, bandwidth and spectral shape. Since narrowband sensing techniques cannot be directly applied, most radio monitoring devices use Nyquist wideband sensing to discover the huge frequency range. In practice, sensing is normally conducted by an FFT sweep spectrum analyzer that delivers the power spectral density (PSD) values to the radio monitoring system. The channel segmentation is the initial step of a comprehensive signal analysis in a radio monitoring system based on the PSD values. In this paper, a novel approach for channel segmentation is presented that is based on a quantization and a histogram evaluation of the measured PSD. It will be shown that only the combination of both evaluations will lead to an successful automatic channel segmentation. The performance of the proposed algorithm is shown in a real radio monitoring szenario.
In large aircrafts the cabling is very complex and often causes reliability problems. This is specially true for modern In-flight Entertainment (IFE) systems, where every passenger can select a preferred movie, play computer games or be able to communicate with other travellers. Due to EMC problems, wireless communication systems (WiFi etc.) didn't succeed in solving these problems. In this paper an innovative communication system is proposed which perfectly supplements an aircraft IFE system. The key innovation of this system is to use structures that are essential parts of the airframe for data transfer, such as seat rails. Those rails consist of rectangular shapes and could easily be modified to fulfill the function of waveguides for microwaves. A waveguide as part of the seat rail would provide enormous benefits for aircrafts, such as a large bandwidth and consequently high data rates, no problems with EMC, unlimited flexibility of seat configuration, mechanical robustness with associated increase of reliability and a few additional advantages related to aircrafts such as reduction of weight and costs.