380 Handel, Kommunikation, Verkehr
Document Type
- Study Thesis (12)
- Bachelor Thesis (2)
- Master's Thesis (2)
- Conference Proceeding (1)
- Working Paper (1)
Conference Type
- Konferenzartikel (1)
- COVID-19 (12)
- Government Measures (12)
- Corona (8)
- Crisis (7)
- Export (6)
- Exportfinanzierung (2)
- Aufnahmesysteme (1)
- Austria (1)
- Außenhandel (1)
- Canada (1)
Open Access
- Open Access (14)
- Closed Access (3)
- Closed (1)
The effects of climate change, including severe storms, heat waves, and melting glaciers, are highlighted as an urgent concern, emphasising the need to decrease carbon emissions to restrict global warming to 1.5°C. To accomplish this goal, it is vital to substitute fossil fuel-based power plants with renewable energy sources like solar, wind, hydro, and biofuels. Despite some progress being made, the proportion of renewables used in generating electricity is still lower than the levels needed for 2030 and 2050. Decarbonising the power grid is also critical in lowering the energy consumption of buildings, which is responsible for a substantial percentage of worldwide electricity usage. Even though there has been substantial expansion in the worldwide renewable energy market in the past 15 years, the transition to renewable energy sources also requires taking into account the importance of energy trading.
Peer-to-peer (P2P) electricity trading is an emerging type of energy exchange that can revolutionise the energy sector by providing a more decentralised and efficient way of trading energy. This research deals about P2P electricity trading in a carbon-neutral scenario. 'Python for Power System Analysis' (PyPSA) was used to develop models through which the P2P effect was tested. Data for the entire state of Baden-Württemberg (BW) was collected. Three scenarios were taken into consideration while developing models: 2019 (base), 2030 (coal phase-out), and 2040(climate neutral). Alongside this, another model with no P2P trading was developed to make a comparison. In addition, the use case of community storage in a P2P trading network is also presented.
The research concludes that P2P has a significant positive effect on a pathway to achieve climate neutrality. The findings show that the share of renewables in electricity generation is increasing compared to conventional sources in BW, which can be traded to meet the demand. From the storage analysis, it can be concluded that community storage can be effectively utilised in P2P trading. While the emissions are reduced, the operating costs are also reduced when the grid has P2P trading available. By highlighting the benefits of P2P trading, this research contributed to the growing body of research on the effectiveness of P2P trading in an electricity network grid.
If the current situation could be described in one word, it would be ‘uncertainty’. In times of global crisis, it is important to support the economy to keep businesses alive. Therefore, this paper shows the Finnish government measures and how exporters can benefit from them. Looking in particular at the maritime sector, the research pointed out that there were not that many specific measures for exporters and shipbuilders. This essay detected that the provided measures are suitable for the needs of the affected companies and are an effective instrument by the government to stabilise the industry. This is proved by the number of companies taking advantage of these loans, grants and guarantees. Due to the already mentioned uncertainty, it remains unclear how measures have to be adjusted in the future.
The COVID-19 pandemic has the global economy under control. This paper deals with the economic consequences in Germany and shows the measures taken by the German government to support especially small and medium-sized export companies. The structure of the German economy and foreign trade promotion are explained as a basis. After considering the government's support measures, an evaluation of country comparisons shows that there is still potential for further measures, especially in direct lending and debt moratorium. The analysis is based on quantitative data from surveys and qualitative results from interviews with relevant ministries and market participants as well as recent publications.
The coronavirus affects the strongly export-oriented Swiss economy in a situation where political and economic developments are already making the cross-border exchange of goods and services difficult. For this reason, the question arises of how Switzerland can maintain or strengthen its position in global competition in the export business during an unprecedented period of crisis such as the current one.
In order to find an answer to this question, this paper critically examines the existing government support measures for Swiss exporters in times of COVID-19. The fact that Switzerland has so far not taken any specific support measures for exporters raises the actual research question of whether there is a specific necessity and demand for a special export promotion. To answer this research question, various expert opinions are compared and overall conclusions are drawn. By rapidly introducing and adapting the already existing instruments – liquidity assistance and an expansion of short-time work benefits – the federal government was able to ensure the survival of many companies. According to the authors of this paper, this focus of government support in times of crisis is just right for a small national economy in the short term and therefore preferable to a specific support of exporters. Nevertheless, given the high relative importance of foreign trade for Switzerland’s overall economic performance, there can be no recovery of national economy without a recovery of foreign trade.
This paper gives an overview of the impact that the corona pandemic has on the export industry in Canada and analyzes the different Canadian government measures for exporters. In addition, the measures are subsequently evaluated in order to identify if the support measures can help Canadian exporters to overcome the crisis. The basis of this paper are semi-structured expert interviews with experts from the financial sector, scientific literature and studies. The results have shown that the COVID-19 pandemic has a major impact on Canada’s export economy and it’s GDP. Trade is only possible to a limited extent, as many borders are closed. The Canadian government reacted with an economic response plan to support Canadian individuals and businesses. This paper depicts and assesses the most eligible measures for export companies.
The aim of this essay is to analyse and evaluate the Italian government measures for exporters in response to COVID-19. The unexpected, rapid and hardly predictable consequences of the pandemic paralyzed the entire globe. For a long time, Italy was the epicentre of the virus, which caused severe damage in the Italian export economy dropping temporarily more than 40%. The Italian government reacted exemplary fast and took multiple countermeasures of high extent especially through the Italian export credit agency SACE. On the one hand, the internationally compared broad structure of SACE was a huge advantage, which allowed to release quickly numerous measures. On the other hand, there is room for improvement regarding the accessibility of measure-related information, which has been partially only available in Italian. Furthermore, there is a remarkable risk resulting from the combination of the high monetary effort to enable the numerous measures, the difficult financial situation of the Italian government and the unpredictability of the COVID-19 consequences.
This essay is about Estonia’s measures to help its exporters responding to COVID-19. The purpose is to analyse the companies’ need for help measures and the governmental objectives behind the measures and finally to analyse the possible effects. We used the two latest surveys dealing with the entrepreneurship situation and conducted two inter-views with governmental representatives exposing their objectives. The outcomes show that more than half of Estonian companies are asking for governmental help mainly as a consequence of a drop of demand. Limiting the increase of unemployment and bankrupt-cies as well as strengthening the economic recovery were identified as the main govern-mental objectives while restraining fiscal costs is a subordinated objective but becomes more important the more money will be spent. The help measures offered by KredEx are in line with these objectives. After the crisis the implications of the established measures should be analysed so that others can learn from the Estonian Government’s approach.
British Government long-term Measures for Exporters in the Manufacturing Sector in Times of COVID-19
The authors of this paper have addressed the question of what measures have been taken by the British government to support exporters in the manufacturing sector in the era of COVID-19. A classification of the manufacturing export industry in the British economy as a whole and the impending economic impact of COVID-19 were also examined. It should be noted that the United Kingdom is facing major structural changes as a result of the Corona pandemic and its withdrawal from the European Union, which are examined more in detail in this paper. The UKEF, in cooperation with other institutions, provides a number of finance facilities for exporters already before Corona crisis. The access to get this support has been facilitated for the COVID-19 affected exporters, but no additional measures were made available.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been spreading rapidly across the globe and has seriously affected global trade. In order to reduce the pandemic’s impact on their economy, the French government released a support plan referring to the COVID-19 crisis. Since mid-tier companies play a leading role in France’s export, this paper deals with the measures taken by the French government to support especially French mid-tier export companies. Based on empirical literature and recent publications, the research question is analyzed by conducting interviews with experts, such as market participants, governmental institutions and an expert for trade and innovation. As a result of the research, the emergency measures taken by the French government, such as the CAP Francexport reinsurance scheme, the extension of cover for export guarantees, additional information and assistance, and the deferral of tax and social security contributions have mitigated the effects at first instance.
This essay deals with the Spanish economy and especially with the Spanish governmental measures for SME exporters in times of COVID-19. The focus was set on SMEs, as they are an essential part of trade for the government and are particularly affected by the pandemic. Since the financial crisis, the Spanish economy has become highly diversified, with a greater focus on exports. Competitiveness, productivity and efficiency have increased significantly. The Spanish government measures largely affect the areas liquidity and financing, taxes and protection of the employment. One of the most important measures is the 100-billion-euro credit line and the policies on unemployment. The Spanish government is dependent on further aid packages and is criticized for the measures.